Monday, September 30, 2013

Leftism In Action

The Left no longer even pretends to be anything other than attack dogs for socialism. The acrimony pouring from the white house is appalling, and increasingly common.

But perhaps the worst is the old, decrepit "mainstream" media. Their position as the media arm of the Democrat Party is no longer challengeable, and they don't bother. With MSM "journalists" flocking into the White House to receive their lucrative government appointments, and with their attacks on anything resembling constitutional speech, the MSM has rendered itself totally useless as far as getting information from. They have protected Democrat operatives from Gun Walker, Benghazi, and all of the IRS scandals and other federal agency abuses of the American people. But the scandals go on and on and on. Here's the Wall Street Journal:
ABC, CBS and NBC have so far refused to report the latest bombshell in the IRS scandal - a newly released list from the agency that showed it flagged political groups for "anti-Obama rhetoric." On September 18 USA Today, in a front page story, reported the following: "Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about 'anti-Obama rhetoric,' inflammatory language and 'emotional' statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status."

Not only have ABC, CBS and NBC not reported this story they've flat out stopped covering the IRS scandal on their evening and morning shows. It's been 85 days since ABC last touched the story on June 26. NBC hasn't done a report for 84 days and CBS last mentioned the IRS scandal 56 days ago on July 24.

The article by Gregory Korte went on to report: "The internal 2011 documents, obtained by USA TODAY, list 162 groups by name, with comments by Internal Revenue Service lawyers in Washington raising issues about their political, lobbying and advocacy activities. In 21 cases, those activities were characterized as 'propaganda.' The list provides the most specific public accounting to date of which groups were targeted for extra scrutiny and why. The IRS has not publicly identified the groups, repeatedly citing a provision of the tax code prohibiting it from releasing tax return information."

The American Center for Law and Justice, a nonprofit legal institute that represents 33 of the groups appearing on the IRS list, said it appears to be 'the most powerful evidence yet of a coordinated effort' by the IRS to target Tea Party groups. 'The political motivations of this are so patently obvious, but then to have a document that spells it out like this is very damaging to the IRS,' said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the ACLJ. 'I hope the FBI has seen these documents.'"
[emphasis added]


MSM said...

USA Today and Wall Street Journal are -not- MSM according to you?
MSM are the ones who don't show enough of what you want to see?

Steven Satak said...

I wonder how long the MSM will be able to ignore the ruin being spread by the AHCA? Obamacare may be the law of the land, but I have had to listen to friends wringing their hands because their insurance premiums just shot up 100% and their deductables by nearly as much.

They can't afford it.

Is this forced re-distribution of wealth? What will happen when enough people lose their jobs, their insurance or find themselves with half normal weekly hours?

Is this the sort of thing the Leftists are hoping will bring violence to the streets? No wonder they don't want themselves quoted.

Worst president ever. Geez. And how did we let ourselves get talked into buying 'something for nothing' - again? The AGCC guys make Madoff look like a kid stealing change from the penny tray at the IHOP register.

Steven Satak said...

So - does this get swept under the rug? I get the impression folks were pissed - not because it was done, but because they weren't the beneficiaries. No on either side of the aisle seems anxious to neuter such a useful tool...

And when are we going to hear more about the unions that were raising holy hell about Obamacare? Did they suddenly get the hookup? Because I haven't heard much about that lately.

Michael said...

Will the people and/or groups singled out and victimized [be allowed to] file lawsuits against the IRS?

The MSM doesn't cover the issue because the government tells them what they're allowed to cover and gives them their talking points. MSM is state-owned and corporate-funded. That's why I don't watch them.

Stan said...

I've always considered USAToday to be a tabloid given away free at hotels; I could be wrong. And WSJ is not read very widely by those without cash to spend on it. However, they seem to lead the circulation numbers, which demonstrates that they are as mainstream as any, including the NY Times.

Usually MSM seems to refer to the TV nexus ABCCBSNBCMSNBC etc. with FOX generally outside the mainstream but highly rated.

These days MSM refers to the logjam of oldtimer media who obstruct knowledge of the machinations of the Leftists and especially Obama, and who frequently make up their own facts, and sometimes express regret that they got caught.

Stan said...

I do watch the MSM TV news very occasionally, especially when yet another Democrat scandal arises (i.e. fairly frequently) to see how or if the MSM will give it airtime; generally they don't. They can always find a forest fire or a bad bus wreck or a sink hole to video.

Michael said...

Make no mistake Stan, FOX is MSM in every respect. As you yourself posted a few days ago, FOX just fired that sports anchor merely for expressing his Christian beliefs, demonstrating not only that they approve of same-sex marriage but also their willingness to enforce acceptance via anti-religious policy.

Don't be deceived by party lines.

Robert Coble said...

Mr. Sekolw's "hope" that "'the FBI has seen these documents.'" is certainly misplaced, given that the FBI reports to the Eric Holder US DOJ. It has become transparently obvious that the current "mission" of the US DOJ is furthering the Leftist agenda, NOT about "justice" and especially not about bringing criminal actions against the many government violators of the US Constitution and the "rule of law."

MSM said...

LiberalViewer has tons of examples of Faux news being biased and/o lying. You wouldn't complain about that...

Stan said...

I don't have cable or satellite, so I have only watched FOX once (at a hospital, I think).

First off, FOX is demonstrably listing to the Left, based on the secondary viewpoint I get from other reports.

Second, LiberalViewer is one of the most rationally impaired commenters I have come across. He attacks surface images which he poorly reflects, rather than substance.

Martin said...

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

- John Adams

Stan said...

I disagree. Gridlock is the best possible solution to the advancement of the "violence of the "soft totalitarianism" inherent in democratic societies where a faux benevolence of governing elites sacrifices the rights of the populace, by regulating them heavily and minutely into "childhood"-like states to "secure their gratification"; "that power is absolute, minute, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent, if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood, but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood."


"The principle of equality has prepared men for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them, and oft times to look on then as benefits".
Alexis de Toqueville, "Democracy In America".

There must always be a party of opposition to this. If not the Republicans, then a new people's party.

Martin said...

Opposition is good.

What is not good is when two parties HATE each other so much that they'd rather burn the entire country down than deal with each other.

That is why I no longer participate. It's all about hate.

Stan said...

And again I demurr. I don't hate Leftists; I hate what they are doing and want to do.

When abuses reach a certain level of egregiousness, how can one not hate that abuse? It seems to me that you are hating hate without any attachment to deeds. That's OK but not productive if one wants to be a part of steering culture and its political amorality away from immorality.

But apparently there are a lot of John Galts these days, and it is tempting, except that it seems not to be actually feasible. Offline is a dream that few can achieve, much less thrive within.

Stan said...

I should add this: tyranny and dictatorship has been the rule, virtually always, on planet earth. The Chinese have been under dictatorship ever since emporer Chin, 6 millenia ago; and they still are.

Freedom and negative Rights are unique in the history of man. They pop up infrequently and do not last long, being supplanted by dictators.

Self-defense is necessary and rational and it is what politics is all about: defending Rights against the totalitarians within.

It seems like a responsibility to me.

Stan said...

Not sure what set you off, except that you are a Lefty and don't like any opposition. Of course other people have opinions. You obviously have one, and have spewed hate about me. I don't claim others are wrong, I demonstrate that which is wrong about their theories, be they evolution is truth, or Leftism is moral.

Having no counter argument, it is very common for those who love science but are ignorant of it, or those who love their own morals which they create themselves, to attack my thoughts as hate. It's all they have, given no rational case for the contrary to my arguments.

However, as soon as vituperation begins, that's when the commenting by that individual ends.


Steven Satak said...

You got rid of MSM? Good. I knew it was only a matter of time until he dropped the pretense of reason and resorted to insult.

I once read somebody, probably Heinlein, who wrote "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent". I always thought violence was just another tool, to be used when needed and if needed, did not prove you were incompetent.

Nevertheless, the saying springs to mind when reading fellows like MSM. I realize that mockery, flippancy and insults are the preferred weapons of the AtheoLeft. Pseudo-reason for a start, but once the gaff is blown - when it's clear they can't baffle you with their BS - they swing right in with their favorite fall-back positions.

- 'You're ignorant'.

- 'You're a fascist/racist/homophobe/bigot'.

- 'You're insulting/offensive/narrow-minded/pedantic/arrogant'.

- You're a retard.

- and last, but not least, 'Fuck you'.

The last is my preference, if it can be said that I have one for the AtheoLeft. At least when someone says 'Fuck you', you know where they stand. All the BS and dancing around, the pulling chairs into your path as you chase them down, all that is over.

The mask is off. And everyone can see what we see.... that supposedly rational, self-endowed moral free-thinker is just another man with a temper and an oversized ego.

The blessing? All you have to do is disagree with this person to get them to reveal their true colors.
