Tuesday, October 22, 2013


About me:
I removed the “About” section some time ago, on the premise that it merely prejudiced the content of the blog (it also contained personal information that allowed cyber-stalking to get too close to home). I have changed my mind, at least for the time being, so here is a little bit about my journey out of irrationality.

I wound up my engineering career as a senior R&D Engineer in a Fortune 20 corporation. While I didn’t realize it at the time (I was still an unexamined Atheist) there is a huge difference between the thought process of engineers and that of Atheists. For engineering, opinion is of little matter; what matters are facts that are as empirically validated as possible. Facts dominate the outcome of all engineering projects, not opinions. (This is far different from the outcome of philosophers and Atheists, and even some scientists, none of whom are responsible for the truth content of their output).

What I observed when I began to look around outside the disciplined progression of engineering thought and into the realm of Atheist thought was the totally undisciplined generation of unsupported opinion which was being foisted as truth, and the internal conflict between positions of various Atheists.

Because I knew full well that empirical facts are contingent, yet reliable, and that logic is hardly contingent at all, and even more reliable, I was taken by surprise that the “logic and evidence-based” intellectuals actually were in no manner using either logic or evidence in their proclamations. Yet they were (are) evangelical in promoting their particular opinions as Truth, and this despite claiming that there is no Truth.

This caused me to have concern for the validity of my own Atheist worldview, which was the casual and unexamined Atheism which I had acquired in part in high school due to an uninterested pastor who blew off my questions as unimportant, and in very large part due to the attraction of intellectual elitism by associating myself with the worldview of the intellectual community. I acquired that self-perception of elitism merely by muttering three words to myself: “ain’t no God”. And presto-chango, I was elite. (In my own opinion).

The subject went totally dormant during my college years and throughout the decades of my career. It resurfaced only after I had time to think about it, after my early retirement. When I subsequently discovered the irrationality of big name Atheists, I became disturbed that even though I was a logic circuit designer (with patents which certify that) I didn’t really know how to think logically about the basics of existence and the source of truth, if any. And I became disturbed by the quality of thought behind certain “sciences”, upon which I had previously depended for support of my Atheism without having scrutinized them properly. So I determined to relearn how think, from the ground up.

I rejected everything I thought I knew, and for well over a year I did nothing but study everything I could find on thought, from compendiums of philosophy to the original works of philosophers. Locke, Russell, Nietzsche, Moore, Kant, Stove and Popper cleared up a lot of things for me, but it was the acquisition of every available published text book on logic (which now fill up a shelf within reach of my desk) which finally allowed me to complete my education regarding the issue of thinking rationally. (By the way, logic books by certain Atheists with agendas are not actually logical books; they are propaganda). (And few books on logic fallacies can touch the on-line Fallacy Files).

It was later in the confused process of learning that I discovered the First Principles, and then their incorrigible mathematical derivation by Boole. When put together with the process of deductive investigation with humility in the face of valid argumentation, I realized that my Atheism was non-valid and unsupportable by any form of real logic. And I realized that rational thinking was not the province of Atheism, at all. (Especially not the “humble” part).

So I attacked every Atheist argument, using only logical argumentation. I put the results into two e-books, on the website I created for that purpose. Those books are primitive and undoubtedly require some hard work – I haven’t reread them in years now, because I am more involved in the blog and the farm on which we now live.

I now consider Atheism to be an insidious intellectual affliction, one which can be explained only by its emotional content. Further, it engenders incredible degrees of arrogance due to the elitism, and it commonly results in an inexorable march toward Messiahism and Leftist totalitarianism as it deprecates personal responsibility in its needy pursuit of Victims to save. The reason I maintain this blog is to demonstrate that to anyone who is questioning his worldview.

Toward that end I have posted a series of logic classes I prepared from multiple text books, hopefully to be used as rational guidelines toward thinking through the alternatives in order to develop a rational worldview. There are logic texts available from places like amazon.com and there are some other on-line logic classes as well. Don’t settle for just one: investigate as many sources for this information as you possibly can. I have not missed many, and each one gives a little different view into the same principles.

It is the thought process which I promote: rationality is more important than any opinion of proper worldview that I might have. So I do not promote a single, developed worldview, I promote a personal intellectual journey toward rationality for every intelligent person who has any tendency toward autodidactism, and considers a valid and true worldview to be a necessity.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

What? No picture? Heck, even Fred Reed has one.

Of course, Fred also lives safely in Mexico.