Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Too Funny...

All of a sudden the Dems are starting to think that delaying the individual mandate for ObamaCare is a good idea.

I agree with Glenn Reynolds: Hell no. You had your chance, you shut the government down to avoid it, so live with it. LIVE WITH IT. It's your disaster.


Ex-Republican. said...

Who do you think shut down the government? because from a straight reading of your post it seems like you are saying the Dems did.

Michael said...

Obamacare is a disaster of epic proportions, which dems knew but nevertheless gave it their full support, yet all of a sudden they want to delay the individual mandate, no doubt because of the election season. It's a politically calculated maneuver to cover their asses.

Stan said...

The Repubs gave Obama bills which would keep the government open, if the individual mandate were delayed - Obama refused to sign, and the gov't was reduced by 15% because Obama wouldn't sign the bill. So who shut it down?

Now the Dems are starting to understand the need to delay the individual mandate, which they could have done two weeks ago and kept the gov't open.

So who shut it down?

The Repubs were right. The individual mandate is going to sink ObamaCare, it is so screwed up. And the Repubs were also wrong: if they just let it alone, it will sink itself. Where they went really badly wrong is that they let Obama have an open spending limit until Feb 1, '14.

Arkansan Rain said...

GOTP campaigned on shutting down the gov't, the Tea party base demanded they shut it down or else, & they were very vocal on it. So everybody knew GOTP was shutting down the gov't BUT they blame somebody else for shutting down the gov't GOTP promised to shut down? Wow, this is beyond plain old denial & abject stupidity.

Stan said...

Arkansas Rain,
Yeah, you are right, the tactic of requesting a compromise was a Republican plan to shut down the government. That's what they wanted: the goal was to shut down the government. The compromise plan was just a cover for shutting down the government. Pretty good cover: they signed the bill to keep the government open. But they wanted the government shut down, so Obama refused to sign and keep the government open.

If they were honest progressives, they would have just given Obama immediate permission to spend what ever he wants ($1.51 Trillion per month), and then explain that to the Y Gen, who will pay for it.

Just like they have to pay for health care they don't want or need.

Good grief.

Michael said...

How about if I amass outstanding debt and then stick the politicians with the tab, would that be acceptable? Do you think they'd agree to cover it? Of course not. So then, what makes them think that they're going to make us pay off their debt?

Stan said...

I think it has to do with the armed branch of the IRS... Mess with them too much, and it's life in prison. I know, well knew remotely, one man who died in prison for dodging his taxes.

Like all things government, power is the arbiting factor.

Michael said...

Maybe, but if Americans actually took a stand and defended each other, none of this would happen. All governments derive their power from the people, no two ways about it. If a populace wills itself to be free, it shall be free. Therefore, the government can only ascertain power through the people's ignorance, thus the dumbing-down of America.

Stan said...

No argument from me there.