Sunday, October 6, 2013

Changes to Blog

I have added a different type of tracking that shows the IP address of all visitors and considerably more detail (at a cost of course). This has given me the incentive to drop the other trackers from the right hand column, and to drop back to unmonitored commenting, at least long enough to see how well it works. The whole purpose is to identify trolls and their sock puppets without punishing legitimate commenters.

Hopefully this will be closer to the filling the need for totally open, yet controllable commenting.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

Sounds good, Stan. Good luck with the new tracking capability.

Not much stops sockpuppets; certainly not shame at being found out. They are accustomed to saying what they want to say. That it is irrational and illogical is almost beside the point. Labels such as 'freethinker' and 'rational atheist' are empty of meaning - one is absent of any standards beside those made up on the spot by the 'freethinker', so the 'free' part negates the 'thinker' part.

And the second is an oxymoron.
