Thursday, October 31, 2013

Charles Krauthammer and the Pause in the Liberal Hockeystick

Charles Krauthammer on ObamaCare:
“I would say that what’s really at stake here, is that if this thing really goes south, if ObamaCare truly self-destructs, I don’t know that it’s certain but I would say right now it is more than likely, it would really set back American liberalism for a decade at least,” he said.

Krauthammer explained that he believes ObamaCare is the “completion of the entitlement state” that began with the New Deal and the Great Society. If ObamaCare were to collapse, he said, it would “discredit the entire enterprise of the expansion of government, which is at the heart of ‘Obama-ism.’”

“That’s why I think the liberals are running scared,” he said. “It’s not just one election, it’s the whole ideology that the government knows best...”
What can be expected of an ideology which avoids contact with the real world except to take its money? A government of people who in their entire lives produce nothing concrete, but rather produce only moralizations of their own superiority due purely to ideology will produce nothing concrete except ideological catastrophe.

The entire national government should be scrapped and we should start over. First to go should be all the armed divisions in the executive branch, except for US Marshals, Border Patrol, and the military. Every expansion hire since '08 should be permanently furloughed back into the economy. Every "czar" should be prohibited from government employment for life. And that's only a start. Then the real scrapping should begin.

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