Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oh Good. Brand New Sins

He found these in the Book of Gary:
Gary Hall, chief ecclesiastical leader and executive officer of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., said in a sermon on Sunday that “homophobia” and “heterosexism” are sins.


Steven Satak said...

Being a homosexual is not a sin. It's the acts associated with homosexuality that are the sticking point.

It's curious how many otherwise intelligent people get that wrong. You would think they'd stir themselves to find out what educated adult Christians really believe. But I get the feeling they're not really interested in truths that get in the way of their established conclusions.

Michael said...

Yes, I know that the act of homosex is the sin. However, we're not supposed to condone the lifestyle. The portrayl of homosexuals as victims in the media is fostered in order to implicate religion as the oppressor. Don't fall for Satan's emotional ploy for sympathy.