Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Squeezing Breasts For Health

The pink ribbon folks are undoubtedly happy with this news, preliminary as it is.

A friend of mine has a tee shirt that says, "Save Second Base", which is quite an admirable sentiment. He also relates having seen tee shirts on women which declare, "These are fake; the real ones tried to kill me!" I suppose that now it can be justified to squeeze the breasts of random women, for their own good (There might even be government positions for that under ObamaCare, which would make it mandatory or face a stiff fine). I suspect that the government will ultimately want to regulate this for private citizens, though, and require you to take a course and training for breast squeezing, just like that for concealed carry licensing, so that you can present your license and then squeeze legally.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

I mentioned this to my wife. She seems pleased to find a scientifically established benefit to something I was determined to do anyway.

But like Charmin, this sort of thing needs regulation. I eagerly await government instruction as to frequency and the cost of the squeezing license. Hope I have not already squeezed my limit for the year!