Sunday, October 20, 2013

Post Education America: Ideology As Replacement For Literacy and Numeracy

Another survey of international standings in literacy and numeracy show the USA to be woefully inferior in its education. There seems to be hardly any criticism that can be made that could elaborate on the American education system more than these numbers. Before anyone screams "mo money", this spending data should be considered.

In the US, political correctness has infected a generation of (Boomer, Me Generation) teachers, who teach non-discrimination and blue-ribbons for-everyone, rather than the discernment and intellectual discrimination which is required for learning - not to mention the failure of passing on elementary skills.

Still, education is actually the responsibility of parents, who cannot foist their child's (and their own) ignorance off onto the state-run schools. It is likely that most truly educated persons have been encouraged and instructed by educated parents, who instill autodidactism in their children. Which is why homeschooling consistently kicks the butts of government schooling in every category.

There is considerable prejudice in the US professional education system against homeschooling, despite of, or perhaps because of its superior performance. California has attempted the German route of banning homeschooling, and prohibiting homeschoolers from entering state run universities; as I recall, they failed in that particular persecution. As the national teachers union has shown, the emphasis is on teachers' perquisites, not on students, and the students obviously do not benefit from all the cash thrown at education.

And all that has produced is several generations of maleducated adults... who vote.

As for college education, there is the now-mature oppression chic, which uses climate change amongst other things to generate Victim/Messiahs.

Education is and always has been an individual responsibility, not the responsibility of the state.


Michael said...

Just to note, activist judges in California attempted to outlaw homeschooling because they wanted to force children into an environment of state-fed propaganda and homosexual indoctrination. Homeschooling and private schools consistently outperform the public (junk) system in every category.

Steven Satak said...

My son John tells me he finds it very hard to make friends with what appear to be his intellectual peers at Pacific University of Oregon.

He notes that many (not all) are either driven by some kind of feminist or environmentalist agenda, or they are just plain asocial.

Power corrupts, I reminded him. And the power of intellect is probably the most pervasive and corrupting of all. Money you can give away. But how do you make yourself WANT to be less smart?

[Never fear. Egotism will take care of that for you in good time.]