Monday, October 7, 2013

The Seeds of Revolution?

The permanent atmosphere of scofflaw politicians in DC has brought about its first forceful resistance, it appears.

Truckers are promising to converge en masse on DC, clog it and maybe shut it down, and to "arrest" the law-breaking congressmen themselves, if they can't convince local cops to do it. Targeted are Pelosi, Feinstein, and Obama is charged with treason for sending arms to Al Qaeda in Syria (that's true, he did). "Truckers to Shut Down America" has gotten a lot of response from truckers, apparently.

I hope they are heard, and not hurt. These days all patriotic acts are outside the law, and punishment will be severe, unless the numbers are overwhelming, or the law enforcement turns away or helps. Either way, the actions are outside the law and constitute overt rebellion, if they go through with it.

It had to happen sometime. I'm not sure if now is actually the time.


J.C.B. said...

"Obama is charged with treason for sending arms to Al Qaeda in Syria (that's true, he did).

Nonsense. What is really happening is that the US is simply providing "non-lethal" equipment to "experts monitoring the removal and destruction of chemical weapons under an agreement reached by the United States and Russia,"

Which we have the authority to do.

(See Section 40(g))

Here is the White House's statement with more details:

Stan said...

What they are talking about happened under Hillary Clinton in Libya. The CIA was at Benghazi for the specific purpose of walking arms from Libya into Syria for use by the opposition forces, which were known to contain Al Qaeda units.

There is every reason to disbelieve any and everything that comes out of this White House. Especially concerning Benghazi and the CIA. The most transparent administration ever has clamped down on Benghazi witnesses with non-disclosures and lie detectors to prevent any (more) truth from getting out.