Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why I Don't Use Google

From Washington Post:

NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say


Anonymous said...

~ I actually suspected all this stuff a long time ago.

Sometimes when I write emails or leave a message on the phone to someone I think jokingly that I should address it as "Dear XYZ and NSA" since they are going to be reading it also.

Anyway what I wanted to say was an alternative to not using these services is using these services in ways that are not indicative of who yo are.

So you may not follow Australian Rules Football, Algebraic Topology, Kabadi Kabadi or fashion design but you could do a number of google searches on that and join Yahoo groups on them.

Eventually the data that they keep track of becomes totally senseless.

Michael said...

The cozy relationship between the government and companies such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo has been common knowledge for some time.

Stan said...

Great idea; feed them false information. Randomize the data for them. I could dwell on sites for black lesbian quadraplegics and become a protected entity.

Debunking Atheists said...

You said you don't use Google but we use blogger (owned by Google). I bet we all would be surprised as to how much they know about us, mainly from the info we give freely. I am with you though, I might be bailing on social media.

Stan said...

Yeah. I do keep my gmail account for this blog, too. But there is not much about me on either one. I use Bing exclusively, not that it is any more secure.

Google's policy, "Don't Be Evil", is a totally relativistic ethic. "Evil" in today's relativist, omnitolerant ethical theory means "don't oppose me: that is evil".

Stan said...

If you do a search on yourself, whatever you find, they have.