Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fitting the Term to the Situation..

The proper term is "Swindle".
"But for the sake of argument, let’s accept the 5% figure as the number of Americans Obama now acknowledges having victimized with his “If you like your plan, you can keep it” swindle. The U.S. population is just over 317 million (that includes children, but so does the population affected by the ObamaCare cancellations). Five percent of 317 million is just under 16 million people.

Imagine if Bernie Madoff had swindled 16 million people.

No, that doesn’t quite do it justice. Imagine if Bernie Madoff had swindled 16 million people, many of whom never agreed, or had any desire, to do business with him in the first place."


Michael said...

I read yesterday that it's expected that over 50 million Americans will inevitably lose their coverage because of Obamacare. As bad as this train-wreck is now, just give it some time.

Stan said...

The foolish always pay for their foolhardiness:

Wagner and her husband retired early. She was a nurse for 35 years and championed Obamacare, until she received a letter from her insurance company saying it was canceling her policy.

I was really shocked … all of my hopes were sort of dashed,” Wagner said. “’Oh my gosh President Obama, this is not what we hoped for, it’s not what we were told.’ “

She was shocked further to learn that for the same coverage she would pay 35 percent more and have a higher deductible.

“Our premium for next year is going up to over $1,000 a month for two of us and we’re two fairly healthy individuals,” Wagner said.

The Left does not create wealth, it redistributes it - after it parasites off of it. This woman probably thought that health care via government control was actually free and covered everyone without cost. There is a fool born every minute, plus millions being imported.

Michael said...

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have." - Gerald R. Ford

It's like a force of habit that people learn these things the hard way. Why wait for the inevitable and then react to it instead of, you know, utilizing discretion from the outset? We're talking about people's medical coverage now under the thumb of a government on a serious power trip. History is studied for very good reasons, one of which being to learn from others' mistakes so as not to repeat them.