Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Odds and ... Odds. Headlines and Stuff

TIME magazine tumbles to death panels.

Embracing big brother: How facial recognition could help "fight crime".

Huntington Beach Bar Ordered to Remove Sign That Salutes Veterans

American Citizen, Pastor Saeed Abedini is STILL held hostage in Iran.

Iran, North Korea continue to develop long range rocket booster.

Another false racism charge gone viral.

How to Discuss ObamaCare At Thanksgiving. We know you want to.

Blocking the unions, who lobbied for ObamaCare, from being bailed out of Obamacare.

Democrats are about to Blow.


Steven Satak said...

Obamacare is doing what nothing else could have done to complacent Democrats - it's pouring the cold water of objective reality onto their fine-spun sugar plum dreams. Now they see themselves twisting in the wind. Time for complacent Republicans to step into the breach and bring their own brand of fail to the political forefront.

From the Republican backbiting I have seen, neither party wants to upset the status quo, which appears to be gutting the Constitution and squeezing us for all we are worth before they run and hide with their ill-gotten gains.

The sad thing? I am currently reading about the Roman Empire, and there are a lot of odd similarities between the 'solutions' they implemented and the ones being proposed now.

Stan said...

What title(s) are you reading?

Steven Satak said...

The Roman Empire, from the Time-Life 'Great Ages of Man' series.

Michael said...

Just read today that the FDA might allow homosexuals to donate blood. That's just great. I mean who cares if they're putting the general public at far greater risk of contracting HIV and other STDs through blood transfusions? So long as 1% of the population's sensibilities aren't offended, that's all that matters.