Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Peace For Our Time!

The analogy from Drudge is correct. Obama and Carter were both marginalized by the same barbarians. Their legacies will be the same.

For those educated in government schools which used modified history books, the reference here is to British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, who waved the 1938 Munich treaty signed by Hitler, who promised to be a good boy. The naïveté resulted in millions of deaths in WWII.

Additional thought:
It is odd that a lawless president should expect other lawless governments to adhere to a legality.

When the US Constitution is just a suggestion, and when the president can change or implement laws by fiat, or ignore them altogether (borders and illegals), why would he think that Iran would be "law abiding"? Surely in his youthful training in Islam he heard of Hudna and Taqiyya?

His domestic failure to right the economy, and to clean out the IRS, ATF, HHS, NSA and Justice indicates his willingness to institute war against the USA; why should his foreing policy not be considered to be an extension of the same?

UPDATE 11-27-13:
Iran claims the White House is Lying to the American People (!)
Iran still claims the right to enrich uranium under the agreement. Is it really possible for the White House to [not] lie to the American People?


Steven Satak said...

I read (in a book that does not immediately jump to mind) that Chamberlain did so at the behest of his military advisors, who KNEW what Hitler had in the way of arms. And that they were way, way behind in terms of defense. And that while they were bringing Spitfires and Hurricanes online as fast as possible, they needed more time.

So Chamberlain bought that time with the blood of the Czechs, Poles and others. The Brits were able to catch up, getting their fighters produced and their pilots trained enough to successfully fight the Battle of Britain.

Chamberlain knew he would be reviled. Yet - during the war, no less a person than Churchill himself constantly turned to Chamberlain for advice; the man was an important part of Britain's War Cabinet.

Chamberlain had his faults and is remembered only for the Munich Agreement. But it does not appear to have been the whole story.

Stan said...

If that is the case, then Obama is worse than Chamberlain, yet still in competition with Carter. We should not forget that Carter, as president, released the identities of US spies on the ground on foreign soil, thereby getting some of them killed before they could get out. Both presidents have bloody incompetence on their records.