Monday, November 25, 2013

The Advice Goddess Squeals on Feminists

Welcome to openly toxic feminism.
"'There are women who unapologetically hate men. Scrolling through Instagram the other day, I noticed an author whose work I admire wearing a misandry t-shirt. She suggested it should be a "staff uniform" for her magazine. When I asked her via email if the t-shirt was ironic, she wrote back saying, "To me, there's nothing ironic about misandry. I really do hate men. A lot."
Who hates an entire sex of people? Pretty sick. And typically, whether from a man or a woman, I find this sort of hatred a sign that somebody got together with the wrong person and then, rather than being accountable for choosing badly, decided to just deem the entire sex bad.'
"Back to the subject of the piece, women used to demand equality. Many who call themselves feminists have now become a toxic force in our society, quashing free speech, deeming rational thought a form of discrimination, and institutionalizing discrimination against men...all in the name of "equality."
I usually leave feminism alone; however, it is really annoying to read something written with only the pronoun "she", as if creating a literary affirmative action for women is the most important feature of the article. The feminized man and the child-man are probably tautological.

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