Monday, December 23, 2013

I Just Don't Know...

And don't forget the Fast and Furious scandal, EPA scandal, The Justice Department's Pigford scandal and Black Panther scandal, using a bailout to give GM to the union while stiffing investors, bailing out the Wall Street Banker criminals with zero prosecutions, pouring money into Green Failures who turn up rich... and those are just the ones that got publicized.


Robert Coble said...

One might reason that if a person is that uninformed or ignorant (please note: NOT stupid), then a certain reticence would be in order when one is certain that one does not know the facts. Yet this same person regularly pontificates (bloviates?) on topics and situations concerning which he is manifestly ignorant. Apparently, introspection is not a high priority for this person, so far. I guess we will have to wait for his memoirs for any serious introspection. (Just kidding!)

I once had a senior technical person tell me: "I don't know anything at all about the subject - BUT you are WRONG!"

I replied, "You are correct that you don't know anything at all about the subject. You should have shut your mouth at that point."

Steven Satak said...

That's one of the most pointed political cartoons I have seen in years. Perfect. The man knows what he is doing, no question. It is simply not possible to be that ignorant and still function as a politician.

He's pushing 'plausible deniability' to the point where it's no longer plausible. Seriously, $600,000,000 for a website that does not work? And no one told him during the three years it took to gen that thing up? That beats the old $1000 toilet seat hollow.

No, you can bet your gold-plated diaper that this guy is doing his best to feed at the trough while running everything into the ground. My guess is that he and his cronies intend to party as much as possible, then wreck the joint so no one else can party there ever again.