Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ricocheting Around the Web...

Attributed to Bob Hope:
“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”


linwoodk said...

The recent story of a coach being fired for being heterosexual by a gay supervisor lends some credibility to this idea.

Michael said...

You'd think they would've got the point after Prop 8 that the majority wanted nothing to do with homosexuality. Ironically, it received the most support from the black community whose civil rights movement gay activists are always trying to conjure as though on equal footing. All it took was one activist judge to override it. Subsequently, activist judges in California outlawed homeschooling, so that parents who want to shield their children from the homosexual indoctrination courses cannot opt out. Ohio is currently attempting to do the same thing. Nevermind that it's beyond the scope of their authority, or that homeschooling consistently outperforms public school.

Yes folks, this is democracy in action. Whatever the public wants, unscrupulous judges and politicians can arbitrarily take away, because, after all, they know better.