Sunday, February 2, 2014

All Hail the Narcissist-In-Chief!

"Some are joking — some joke! — that he appears to think of himself as a sort of secular Trinity, embodying in his own person the three branches of government."
Roger Kimball

When the entire Leftist (Democrat) side applauded raucously as Obama declared his immunity to checks and balances, it became apparent that Messiahism truly reigns in DC. Messiahism is the immediate precursor to totalitarianism. The Left is truly dangerous.

Further thoughts on Obama and messiah complex:


Bob said...

Seriously that's the kind of source you like to quote? It's a list if ridiculous questions with small quotes that any politician of any party could have made.

Plus, one of the first sentences is:
Do we even know for sure that Obama mentally stable?

Couldn't they review their article for obvious typos?

Goes to show that this is how you go about supporting your point Stan, you quote or link to whatever fits your own narrative. Anything that whines in the same direction as you is awesome!

You're like Michael on the 9/11 stuff... vicious circle of self-validation.

Stan said...

If that is your best attempt at refutation, it is really sad. Surely you recognize that calling out a typo is the most pitiful type of internet trollery. Don't like the article? Then refute it. Go ahead. Or admit that you cannot.

Robert Coble said...

A "funny" observation, totally unrelated to the topic at hand.

Vis: the "typo" non-issue (totally trivial and irrelevant):

"It's a list if ridiculous questions with small quotes that any politician of any party could have made."

Shall we play "guess where the typo is" in that sentence? Shall the pot call the kettle black?

Really. Let's NOT. REALLY.

To quote another aspirant (narcissist?!?) to the Presidential throne:

"What difference at this point does it make?"

Back to the topic (or is it the "narrative"?) at hand... hopefully.

I am underwhelmed by long-distance diagnoses of narcissism in politicians. Is THAT a "new" malady afflicting career politicians?!? Say it ain't so!!!

The psychiatric profession knows no bounds in their capacity to psychoanalyze ANYONE from a distance of space and time, without ever having interacted with the subject whose mental or emotional state is in question. In short, they pretend to read minds like a fortune teller reads palms. At least the fortune teller (usually) directly interacts with the mark, uh, sorry, the subject. The constantly multiplying categories of mental disorders and syndromes and other psycho-quackery cataloged in the various incarnations of the DSM seem endless. It's the "new normal": there ain't no such thing as "normal."

Bah! Humbug!

On the other hand, a long-distance psychiatric analysis of our Dear and Glorious Leader Kim Jong-un seems both entirely possible (he's certifiably nuts, in my total unqualified opinion) and the better part of valor (i.e., discretion). I suspect that even a long-distance evaluation of his mental/emotional stability might result in the diagnosing shrink "going to the dogs" (literally).

Steven Satak said...

@Stan: Bob's issue is that the linked articles support your statements. He has nothing to immediately refute it and researching a rebuttal would require doing actual work.

So boom with the flippant remark and the Guilt by Association. After all, if there's a typo in there, it must mean the writer is less intelligent/competent/whatever than Bob, as his tone suggests *he* would never let something like that happen.

And because you are quoting or linking to the source, your intelligence/competence/whatever is also in question.

But you probably already worked that out from the choice of words. For me, the word 'whine' was a dead givaway.

That was a lackluster try, Bobby. Wanna give it another try before you troll elsewhere? On second thought, never mind. Just keep drifting.

As for the Left becoming truly dangerous, forget it. I have already told you, guys in public office who become so corrupt they think themselves able to make public statements like Obama does? Are already too corrupted to hold it all together. They're above the law, or so they think - untouchable.

What's really happening is that the guy is slowly going mad as his ego destroys his ability to reason. It's not that he's any less intelligent - but now he *doesn't care* what will happen, because he's bought into the idea that saying a thing automatically makes it so. What is, is what he makes is.

Of course, objective reality can only be pushed so far. Obama's time of reckoning is not far off.

Mark my words, it will be painful to watch him finish Act IV, but he has definitely passed his zenith and is heading down into ruin.


Bob said...

If that is your best attempt at refutation, it is really sad. Surely you recognize that calling out a typo is the most pitiful type of internet trollery. Don't like the article? Then refute it. Go ahead. Or admit that you cannot.
It's not just the typo; it's the sentence I quoted which is horrible already, AND contains a ridiculously big typo for any article deemed 'serious'. It serves to prove the point that you don't care about the quality of the source nor the argument it makes. Calling a political opponent who reached the level of POTUS on his mental stability is low, very low... and you want me to address this sort of claim? Ha! You're pathetic! THAT's THE POINT. You have nothing to offer than ridicule of the opposition, and you quote even more ridiculous sources. Self-validation. Keep tapping yourself in the back and make sure you keep these trolls who comment after you because they must make you feel better, right? That's what narcissists like, no?
(and let's not forget the constant relevance of these topics on ATHEISM Analyzed)

Stan said...

It's interesting that you appear to think that you have produced a comment which has any meaning, yet has none whatsoever. It is also interesting that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Deducing the mental tendencies of an individual who places himself constantly on public record and who has (at last) a known and extensive history of behaviors and actions against which to compare his words, is more easily accomplished than an individual on a couch for an hour per week.

Obama displays not only entitlement narcissism, he also displays as a delusional of the grandiose/persecuted type, and he has at least 3 out 5 characteristic symptoms of schizophrenic disorder: (1,3,4).

Symptoms do not indicate a disorder. Only when symptoms are a problem for the individual or those affected by the individual do the symptoms become known as a disorder.

For Obama, his sphere of influence is global, and his mental/behavioral symptoms are disorders which are problems for the entire world.

Bob said...

No worries Stan, I don't expect a narcissist like you to get the irony.

Stan said...

Hugo/Bob, I recognize you, and your final comment tied it down: no purpose or content, just "irony".

You'll be ignored and allowed to wallow in your irony and projection until it's just finally time for you to go... again.

HUGO/BOB said...


World of Facts said...

Hi Stan!

How did my name get involved here again? Last time I was in India when a fake 'Hugo' used my name... this time I don't see where but you called this troll Bob/Hugo... Anyway, I do come here to read on a daily basis so I will simply re-iterate the same suggestion I made a few times before: only allow comments from people who are signed into Their name will appear with a link to their blogger profile, which may or may not be active but at least you know it's a real account. Trolls will (most likely) not go through the trouble of creating multiple accounts, especially since everything is tied to our overall Google account now... But eh, it's your blog; feel free to continue feeding useless trolls if you find it entertaining :)


World of Facts said...

(email follow-up activation)