Monday, February 3, 2014

Another Drought For Jerry Brown

California and the western states are droughty again. The solution is obvious: raise taxes on the rich (everyone with a job who is not a designated protected species), and blow up some more dams to save the snail darter.


Robert Coble said...

Tom Vilsack, secretary of the federal Agriculture Department, "...called the drought in California a 'deep concern,' and a warning sign of trouble ahead for much of the West.

That’s why it’s important for us to take climate change seriously,” he said. “If we don’t do the research, if we don’t have the financial assistance, if we don’t have the conservation resources, there’s very little we can do to help these farmers.

Never let a good crisis go to waste!

Global Climate Change!
On the western range!
Wouldn't it be strange
if there was NO "change"?!?

So, ... doing some more global climate change research, with more financial assistance to "scientists" doing that research and throwing some more Federal taxpayer dollars at "conservation resources" (whatever THAT means) is going to ameliorate or eliminate the drought "obviously" caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Uh, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Governor, have you "scientists" looked at the data regarding methane emissions by cows?

Maybe the new research will investigate a methane filter which can be installed on both ends of a cow (because cow belches and cow farts both contribute methane gas). Maybe there should be a Federal EPA mandate forcing all cows to meet new EPA standards for belching and farting.

"In order to reach the Federally mandated reductions in greenhouse gases contributing to global climate change, all cows must be re-engineered to meet new EPA standards by 2016. Any cows not meeting the new requirements by 2016 must be fitted with an EPA approved filtering device on both ends which will reduce the methane emissions to acceptable levels which were arbitrarily established by the EPA in accordance with the latest political consensus reached by the IPCC. A new Bureau of Belches and Farts has been created within the EPA to insure inspection and enforcement of the new requirements. All BuBelFar agents will be armed with UZI machine guns and authorized to perform on-the-spot termination of any cows not meeting the new EPA guidelines. Costs for on-the-spot terminations will be born by the owner (of course)."

Oh heck, never mind. It's hard to make a parody of a parody.

As the late Sam Kinison so eloquently put it:

"... You want to send them something, you want to help? Send them U-hauls. Send them U-hauls, some luggage, and send them a guy that goes: 'Hey, we've been driving out here every day with your food for the last thirty or forty years, and we were driving out here, through the desert and it occurred to us that there wouldn't be world hunger if you people lived where the food is! Get out of the desert! You live in a fucking desert! Nothing grows out here! Nothings gonna grow out here! Come here, you see this, huh? This is sand. You know what it's going to be in another hundred years from now? It's gonna be sand! Get your kids, get your shit... We'll take you to where the food is! We have deserts in America, we just don't live in them, ass hole!'"

Except in California, Arizona, ..., Sam.

Stan said...

They already have made studies on the methane emission of cattle. They put some cows in a corral, surrounded them with sensors, took data and collected their government grant checks.

Cows almost never fart. Or at least rarely, and that is not the issue with methane. Cows eructate, which means that the fermentation which occurs in the rumen (second stomach) is released through the mouth/nose. It's not even a belch, it's more like an exhale. Although cows do belch, that's not eructation of methane usually.

The EPA and wealth redistributionist John Holdren are on the job vis a vis cattle destruction of the planet.

Stan said...

The problem with Kinison's solution is that we don't want Californians coming here. Let them stay there. Hell, make them stay there.

If they come here they will bring their Lefty screwball politics with them. California has already destroyed Arizona with its Californication. California needs a moat around it, filled with pirhanas.

Robert Coble said...

Never let a few facts get in the way of a good narrative!

(I guess I'll have to work on conveying my "hoof in mouth" sense of the absurd. None of that was intended to be taken seriously. Seriously.)

I was in California from 1970 to 1977, under the benevolent rule of Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown. I stayed long enough to graduate from college - and left the very next day following graduation, hoping never to return.

The quote from the Honorable Governor Brown typifies his view of democratic principles:

"Every day this drought goes on we are going to have to tighten the screws on what people are doing” said Gov. Jerry Brown, who was governor during the last major drought here, in 1976-77."

Michael said...

I wonder if this drought is punishment from God for California "embracing diversity," i.e. sin.

Stan said...

I subscribe to "the sun shines on everyone, and the night falls on everyone" theory. Southern California has always been a semi-desert, and they have artificially created relief by bringing in water from as far away as western Colorado. They have created their own problems and must deal with them. Western droughts are nothing new. Over-population and destruction of reservoirs is what is new.

And necessity is the mother of invention: sooner or later some engineer will develop personal desalinization modules, and sea water will be pumped into homes - or some such solution will be developed. Or else depopulation will occur, as is already happening.

Michael said...

From the water we drink to the air we breathe, every hair on our head and second more we live is sustained by Him. I stand by what I said.

As for distilled sea water, what good would that do for the west coast if the radiological waste from Fukushima is making an impact? I find it amusing that the government wants to fly around helicopters in order to test for radiation from the nonexistent boogeymen out to harm us, yet refuse to test the west coast for residue despite all sorts of sea life washing ashore dead. Just recently it was starfish; who knows what will turn up dead next?