Monday, February 3, 2014

Dylan Farrow Takes On Woody Allen

I have not watched a Woody Allen flick since his Soon Yi perversion surfaced. I am not surprised by this new letter from Dylan Farrow. Allen is IN and will never be "intolerated" by the Leftist Hollywood groin worshippers. I'm betting that Dylan will pay for this letter, somehow, especially for its timing just before the Oscars. To demonstrate the inherent lack of morals in Hollywood is an unforgivable sin.

It's only evil if it's done by an outsider. Whoopi Goldberg's support for Roman Polanski proved that.


Rikalonius said...

I heard Barbra Walters played the part of Whoopi Goldberg in the latest blame the victim "it wasn't rape-rape" pervert producer apology session.

Martin said...

Hannah and Her Sisters was what converted me to atheism in college. Woody Allen's character in the movie is a hypochondriac afraid of death so he starts shopping around for a different religion, trying on different ones. This triggered awareness of the religious pluralism argument against theism, which was my primary reason for becoming an atheist.

Stan said...

How do you feel about pluralism now?

Stan said...

I'm sorry, I nuked your reply. I'm new at all this, you know... Maybe I'll get a handle on it someday.

Rikalonius said...


So because a fictional character in a movie used Religious Pluralism as an argument against the correctness of a single religion, you derived that there could be no truth at all in any eschatology, even one not yet articulated?

Martin said...

No, it just got me thinking. He started trying on different religions. At the time, I was a Catholic, and it got me thinking that other religions think they are just as right as I did. Which made me realize that I didn't have stronger reasons for being a Catholic than a Buddhist.

Now, much of that has changed, but that was my position at the time.

Robert Coble said...

Socrates (via Plato):

"The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being."

""I do not yet know, myself; but, we must just go where the argument carries us, as a vessel runs before the wind."

Often paraphrased as:
"Follow the argument wherever it leads"

I was raised in a very loving Christian home environment. I became disillusioned with the hypocrisy of the clergy I observed as a teenager, and drifted away, never becoming an atheist per se, more indifferent than agnostic, but not considering myself to be a "proper" Christian either. I began martial arts training at age 40. My Sensei was a Christian (and former Navy UDT Team Leader) who made no explicit references to Christianity during training sessions. However, he would often pose Zen Buddhist koans to stimulate thought about the philosophical basis underlying the martial arts. I was intrigued and began a deeper study of Zen Buddhism. Surprisingly (to me), I began to see parallels back to the things I had been taught as a child from the Bible. That caused a considerable re-evaluation of the foundational basis for my worldview. I began a search of the basics of Christianity, and found that there is a logical foundation for it within the huge number of works on Christian apologetics. Today, I consider myself to be a Christian, with no need to apologize for it. I have full confidence that reason (logic), science, philosophy and Christian belief in God are not inherently in conflict.