Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feminism and the De Facto Rape of College Men

Helen Smith has written a book regarding the feminist attack on college men, and the progressive turn which is taking colleges into the realm of males-as-rapists. American males are increasingly shunning college for that and other reasons, including the fact that college degrees are increasingly worthless because they don't actually represent having obtained a valid education, and degreed job candidates are everywhere.

Accusations of rape in the college atmosphere are now considered to be fact, as this previously feminist lawyer discovered when her son was accused of rape long after the couple broke up. Read the whole thing, but the take away is that the tribunals are anti-democratic, anti-male, and completely prejudicial in their proceedings. The female accusations are presumed true, and the male must prove his innocence; his accuser and her witnesses cannot be faced or interrogated; his own defensive material such as email evidence is dismissed without examination. These proceedings are Potemkin trials, with the outcome known in advance.

The idea that feminism is about equality for women is a failed concept. If feminists, like the president and the Leftist congress critters, were pursuing equality they would pay their women staffers the same as the men staffers; but they do not. As with all things Leftist, they are not about that which they say they are about.

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