Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gun Prohibition Advocate Traps Himself.

This man is no doubt a good man. But his intentions backfired in a spectacular way; he might have put himself in prison for several years.

The SAFE Act was a Leftist hysterical reaction to Sandy Hook, which was already set up as a killing zone. Under the SAFE Act it is a felony to possess a gun - for any reason - on school property. It was run through the legislature and signed into law on Jan 15 bu Governor Cuomo who called the law the most extensive gun law on the books in the USA.

Dwayne Ferguson worked for the bill to become law. He has now been caught on school property with a gun (for which he has a permit). That could earn him a couple of years in prison due to his own law.

What Ferguson did was a crime only because he and people like him said so, not because there were any victims involved: there weren't. If anything, Ferguson could have defended his children from an actual dangerous person. But the hatred of guns, even by Ferguson who owns and carries one, dominated the conversation and created a victimless crime, or at least one where a non-perpetrator becomes the victim. In a large sense, Ferguson did this to himself. And to others like him: victims of a law, not a crime.


Michael said...

They don't hate guns, they just want to deny everyone besides themselves the right to carry.

After all, they can't institute their communist vision with an armed populace.

Stan said...

Good point.

Still, there was a story last week about a school principle who feared the image of a gun with a red circle around it and a line through the gun - which is the "no gun" sticker required to be placed on the entry to the school. These are the fools of the Left which teach and administer in the government schools.

And one of the southern states had to pass the "pop tart" law, which allows pastries to be chewed in to shapes, including guns. (Georgia maybe?)

Michael said...

Does that teacher also swerve into telephone polls at the sight of a police car?

Violent imagery can be found in everything from TV to video games. The overzealous hyperreaction by school administrators will have a far more reaching impact that a friggin' pop tart in the shape of a gun ever will. I question these people's sanity.

Stan said...

I don't think they are insane, they are, however, emotionally needy and have accepted the Self Ideology which becomes Leftism. They think only in ideological terms after that. Hmm. So I guess that non-sane thinking due to emotional failure actually is insanity, isn't it. But it will never be seen as a "disorder" in the DSM, because it applies to the writers of the DSM too, I strongly suspect.

Michael said...

Let us learn a lesson from history: in the Soviet Union, they sent both Christians and political dissenters to mental wards for "psychiatric evaluation," ultimately resulting in genocide.

Heck, it's right there in the The Naked Communist:

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

The socialists' ultimate goal is to break the will of the ethnic people and subject them to foreign rule. This is achieved by opening the floodgates to mass immigration (reaD: multiculturalism) and, in our case, granting blanket amnesty to illegals.

Roger Baldwin, co-founder of the ACLU, said:
"I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. It all sums up into one single purpose -- the abolition of dog-eat-dog under which we live. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted and I traveled the United Front road to get it."

It seems not too many Americans are aware of the ACLU's ties to socialism/communism.

Stan said...

Good comment. I had read about Baldwin years ago, and had actually forgotten about that quote.