Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Untold Story of the Confiscation of Guns After Katrina

Rights mean nothing when automatic weapons are pointed at your head.

The corruption of the local governments in Louisiana is astounding. But it is not restricted to that area.

In related news:
United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists

It’s no secret that the United Nations, with assistance from members of the Executive and Legislative branches in the United States, has been actively working to reduce Americans’ accessibility to firearms. In 2012 President Obama, along with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spearheaded a backdoor move that would have imposed gun control on the United States through foreign means by signing a global disarmament initiative known as the Small Arms Treaty. Though that attempt failed, mass shooting incidents at Sandy Hook and elsewhere have kept the pressure on gun owners with the President having made repeated suggestions that he would mandate gun restrictions through Executive Order should state and federal legislatures fail to act.

Given the rocky history between America’s gun owners and the United Nations, chances are that the push for disarmament will continue with more ferver than ever before. In fact, a recent job posting at the United Nations website suggests that the organization is not only working to get guns out of the hands of American citizens, they are actively preparing personnel to assist in what they call “disarmament, demobilization and reintegration” activities. And if that’s not bad enough, the duty station for this key U.N. Peacekeeping Operations department is New York city, suggesting that the organization believes such operations may be commencing in the United States at some point in the future.
The UN should be expelled from the USA and the USA should abandon the UN to its Leftist, tyrannical states and declare it an enemy of the USA.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

Only a Leftist completely corrupted by pride to the point where his reason has been destroyed would believe American citizens who have gone to the time and trouble to purchase firearms and ammunition would ever simply 'give them up' to the UN, or indeed the US government.


Their problem, as I have pointed out in the past, is that they come to believe that if they say a thing is so, it is so, both on the Internet and in the real world. The real world, as pointed out above, may have something to say in response.

It won't be pretty, and the net result will be a significant reduction in corrupt Leftists.

As busy as they are at sawing on the branch they sit on, you might think they'd give some thought on what would happen if they succeeded. What this article illustrates is that the UN and its backers have not given ANY thought as to what they will do when they fall.

Interesting days coming, wouldn't you agree?