Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Democrats Paying Republican Voters to Keep Thad Cochran

HATTIESBURG, Mississippi — Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) survived the most intense challenge he’s ever faced in his 41-year political career, winning a runoff against conservative state Sen. Chris McDaniel.

The Associated Press called the race for Cochran, who is up 6,880 votes with 99.9 percent of precincts reporting.

A source close to McDaniel told Breitbart News that he is considering legal challenges over ballots. Democrats who voted for Cochran on Tuesday but voted three weeks ago in the Democratic primary in the state were not allowed to vote in Tuesday’s election.

Election results indicate Cochran's late appeal to Democratic voters paid off, with the incumbent senator picking up sizable vote totals in precincts with heavily black populations. Partisanship in Mississippi is largely polarized on racial lines, and Cochran allies paid key Democratic operatives to help turn out the vote.
Democrats vs. Democracy; it's always been that way. And primaries are a farce, at least here in Missouri where the Republican committee can choose to ignore the primary and nominate anyone they wish(!) And being a state with two large cities, KC and St Louis, my vote ultimately counts for nothing anyway. I once, long ago, was Democrat, then Republican, and now I'm neither, and will remain that way until after the revolution, which might not occur in my life-time.

1 comment:

Robert Coble said...

So what IS the "real" difference between the Democrats and the establishment Republicans? Nothing of significance that I can see. Their personal and party interests always override any broader considerations in the long-term interests of the country.

Who is the "guilty" party to this sham of self-government?


We tolerate, nay, exacerbate, the situation by repeatably putting the same corrupt politicians back into the same positions of power. All politicians are corrupt EXCEPT MY dearly beloved and glorious representative.

I repeat:


Throw them out after each and every term, instituting Constitutional term limits via the ballot box. That may not insure that we will get good representatives, but it will certainly insure that we get rid of bad ones without having to suffer for decades from their inside-the-Beltway corruption.

Execution of criminals may not deter some other criminal from committing a crime, but it certainly terminates any recidivism by the executed criminal.