Monday, October 13, 2014

Re-Thinking Islam

I have come across a letter from Islamic scholars, professors and leaders to Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS. This letter explains to Al-Baghdadi that his actions comprise multiple sins under the Qur'an, Hadith, and interpretations of Islam by fourteen hundred years of Islamic scholars and leaders. 126 Islamic scholars and leaders signed the original letter and 35 more have signed after its release.

When reading through the numbered position statements, I was at first skeptical. Early on it is stated that no verse should be taken without considering the context of the entire body of Islamic work, Qur'an, Hadith, etc. Yet the scholars quote verses out of context as part of their argument. That seemed to be contradictory... at first.

Also they state that the context of Islamic work cannot be understood unless it is read in Arabic, yet the letter is in English. That also seemed contradictory... at first.

After reading much (but not all) of this letter, I realized that the scholars do consider the entire context, being immersed in it. And I realized that there is also an Arabic version available on the same site.

Having let go of these non-contradictions, I began to realize that this letter, if it is correct in its statements and context, could form a legitimate Islamic rejection of the killing, terror, slavery, torture, declaration of caliphates without Islamic unity, etc.

Except for the contradictory life of Mohammed himself which puzzles me, I am now agnostic on the subject of the actual dangers of Islam, under correct interpretation.

If one wonders where the Islamic outcry against ISIS is, this might be it, in Islamic context and theological basis.

All thoughts on this are appreciated.


AYK said...

I welcome the honesty for information in this post by Stan.
If I may, I'd like to suggest the readers of this blog to read two recent works on Jihad as per the classical Sunni narrative:
1.) "Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings" written by Dr. Tahirul Qadri. More info regarding it and how to purchase it can be found at:


AYK said...

2.) "Reclaiming Jihad" by Dr. Elsayed Amin. It's Introduction can be read here:

AYK said...

Also, I forgot to suggest a recent work that specifically deals with issues surrounding the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. It was published just this year by Dr. Jonathan Brown of Georgetown University entitled "Misquoting Muhammad".

linwoodk said...

May I recommend Robert Spencer's review of the letter?

Phoenix said...

Yes,muslims are fond of charging their critics with taken quranic verses out of context.Good thing the Hadith provides us with the exact historic context of the ayats (quranic verses) as exemplified by the leader Muhammad.

The most common myth perpetuated by muslims is that Muhammad and his companions only fought in self-defense,therefore all muslims who engage in offensive military tactics are contradicting the Quran and sunnah (examples of Muhammad).Yet all the evidence from the Hadith shows muslims instigating wars for the enemies spoils.The onus is on muslims to prove otherwise.