Sunday, October 12, 2014

Muslim Apologies

After Obama stepped in it again by insisting in his speech to the UN that Muslims around the world denounce ISIS, many Islamic leaders did, in fact, denounce ISIS and terrorism. One of the funniest is the apologies for all sorts of "Islamic" stuff, along with totally unrelated things. This one cuts two ways:
I'm sorry that a headscarf scares you and a bikini doesn't"
Asserting sexual immorality is actually a valid point. But the whole statement is overcome with the vision of a body bomb on a bikini babe. It really brings back the scarved and hijabbed Muslim women suicide bombers who killed hundreds of Israelis, including the Israeli muslims. Not a bikini bomber in the whole affair.

And even if the entire Islamic population denounced ISIS, would it make Islam and its adherents any less a threat? Would the entire Islamic population need to declare war in order for the world to understand that there is an Islamic war against all Others? When lying is a well-defined part of a culture, then what is there to trust? Especially when it is the documented life of The Prophet, filled with blood and torture, pedophilia and murder in the pursuit of his lusts, which is emulated?

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

ISIS,Al qaeda,Boko Haram,Taliban,etc are all natural consequences of Islamic dogma.Fighting these terror groups means we're dealing with the symptoms only,they're temporary solutions.The root cause is Islam,the Quran and Hadith.