Sunday, October 12, 2014

Obama and Strategy

This headline is wrong:
Isis taking control: Obama strategy in tatters as jihadist group marches across the region
Obama never intended to defeat ISIS. If he had, then all possible force would have been asserted against them. But Obama promised "to win" by bombing a little here and a little there. And it is well known that an air war without boots on the ground is ineffective, because the targets need to be identified by laser and ISIS is too dispersed to be bombed out.

Some believe that Obama will pull the same stunt that Nixon did: After the election he will find the right time to declare "WE WIN" and abandon the region as quickly as possible. Obama's strategy is always abandonment, not victory and stability. He still believes that a speech in his dulcet tones will suffice to bring everyone together in a new utopia. And he might believe that utopia to be Islamic.

Or he might just be senile.


Robert Coble said...

It seems to me that there is an alternative motive: never let a good crisis go to waste.

As the US lurches from crisis to crisis, there is an ever-growing clamor for The One we've all been waiting for to take "official" dictatorial control.

How best to foment this state of affairs? By doing nothing other than tokenism to resolve the crises as they continue to pile up. Sooner or later, the breaking point will occur, and The One we've all been waiting for will be swept into permanent power.

Cloward-Piven, anyone?

Robert Coble said...

For those who believe that the scenario suggested above is too farfetched to seriously contemplate, consider a recent and notable example:

Famous Actress on Obama: It Would Be Wonderful if We Were Able to Give This Man All of the Power That He Needs

All hail, King Obama!

The general opinion is that the Hollywood Leftists are not important as regards the future of the US. On the contrary, they are vitally important for setting the stage for the eventual elimination of the US as founded. It matters not how smart (or stupid or self-serving or narcissitic) they are; they have enormous influence in the current US culture of "bread and circuses." Consider, for example, how wildly popular the Kardashians are in the popular culture. More people can tell you what Kim's latest escapade is than can tell you who is their Representative in either House of Congress or who is currently Vice President. (Isn't he the guy in the Mafia who is President of vice?)

Members of the US Supreme Court use extra-Constitutional sources as primary references when interpreting the US Constitution, and think nothing of arrogating more power to themselves.

The members of Congress regularly lie throughout repeated re-election campaigns and then do whatever they want to do once in Washington, D.C. (Usually, that means some form of sex with the people, in the sense of screwing them.)

The media (with support from academia) drums out the idea that the US Constitution is passé, and that it needs to be replaced by a "benevolent" dictatorship of the elites, of which The One we've all been waiting for is a member.

Paul Joseph Goebbels:

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.

I guess that's how Gweneth Paltrow came to believe that she's just a hard working mom who deserves equal pay. After, a 9-to-5 job cannot be as grueling as having to spend 14 hours on a movie set on location (most of which time, she is NOT working, just waiting for her cues in her private dressing room with all the frills she can imagine).

Steven Satak said...

Stan, I am coming more and more each day to believe this President is on a schedule. He won't make a speech without a telepromter; why does anyone think he would govern without a script?

Nearly everything he has done has been the opposite of what would make our nation stronger, safer and more free.

It can't be insanity, incompetence or ignorance. I believe it's deliberate. Fortunately most of the first people to go will be those lazy crooks who put him in office to begin with - the gullible, greedy portion of the American public. There are a lot of them.

Robert Coble said...

I have no idea why the links (in HTML) that I've posted get converted to something else. In any event, here's the raw link on The Blaze to the Gwyneth (spelled correctly this time) Paltrow gushing over Obama:

Read it and retch. . .