Friday, February 2, 2018

Google Sr V.P. Threatens Whistleblowers Regarding Bias Against Conservatives

Google is plainly evil.
Google Exec Threatens To Unmask Whistleblowers Who Report Misconduct Toward Conservatives

A senior vice president at Google is promising to act against employees who raise their voices against the company’s alleged pattern of misconduct against its conservative personnel.

Google VP Urs Hölzle’s threat follows a recent article on Wired that interviewed Google employees who have been accused in the James Damore lawsuit of discriminating against Caucasian men, who were instead painted as the victims of harassment by the publication—and their whistleblowers as aggressors.

Breitbart reports that in the months following the termination of Google engineer James Damore over a leaked memo that criticized the company’s “diversity” efforts, numerous employees at the company have blown the whistle on the company’s internal goings-on with allegations of threats of violence, harassment, abuse of HR, intimidation, and labor violations.

Following the publication of the Wired story, that piece was reportedly circulated within the company by progressive activists, in an alleged attempt to intimidate their conservative peers from speaking to the press.

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