Friday, February 2, 2018

The FISA Fraud Memo

By now you've probably read the world-famous Nunes/House Intelligence Committee Memo regarding the criminal activity in the FBI, which focused on Donald Trump. The entire plot involved people at the top of the FBI using the bogus information created domestically at the behest of the DNC and paid for by Hillary's campaign.

They knew it was bogus and that Steele was a bogus source. Yet they used him - and get this - an article which he leaked to Yahoo! And while they knew all this, the FBI management asked FISA for permission to surveil Trump and associates, but withheld the information regarding the source of the "charge" against Trump (i.e., the DNC and Hillary's campaign).

So it was a purely political war of the FBI on Trump. And it still is, with Mueller doing who-knows-what with his "investigation".

The memo legitimizes the information previously known through leaks... and now the real fun begins.

History is being made; the bad guys are losing. The question is how badly will they lose.

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