Saturday, February 8, 2014

Woody Allen, Defended and Excoriated

The 20+ year saga of Woody Allen continues. He has now been defended by Barbara Walters, who had no part in the original molestation case. And his failed court case has been revisited, with a copy of the 33 page judgment against Allen which contains a history of the entire affair, and scorching judgments of Allen by the judge. And Dylan Farrow re-asserts herself.

For insight, read the entire 33 page judgment. I didn't intend to read it all, but I actually couldn't stop.

On another note, Woody Allen is listed as #35 on the list of "50 Top Atheists Today".

Quote of the Day

The Legacy of "Smart Diplomacy":
"Only a few days ago Russia threatened to quit the START talks as the U.S. deployed an Aegis anti-ballistic missile ship to Spain. All on the back pages, yet taken together one can adventure the thought that a comprehensive failure has overtaken the foreign policy of Barack Obama. The irony is that Obama campaigned on the platform of “smart diplomacy.” But as things have turned out, he was smart only in his own mind.

Under his watch the 70-year-old Pax Americana has fallen apart. Al-Qaeda has flourished. President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines caught the tone of rising concern when he warned, in an interview with the New York Times, that China was doing to Southeast Asia what Nazi Germany did to Central Europe in the late 1930s. “At what point do you say, ‘Enough is enough’? Well, the world has to say it — remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II.”

But you wouldn’t know it for the panegyrics still being sung by the mainstream media. To read some papers you would think the world’s biggest problem was gay rights at the Sochi Olympics.

The Sudetenland? Things are not as bad as that yet. But the operative word is “yet.” Someone — perhaps the elders of the Democratic Party — have got to put some competence back in the White House. Someone needs to stop the rot. An administration too inept to roll out a website; too obtuse to do much more than watch a US consulate burned by — dare we say it? — video protesters — such an administration may be overmatched in a contest of brinksmanship with a rival nuclear power.

Barack Obama is in trouble and so are we all."
To be fair, Obama is very good at numerous long, expensive vacations and golf.

Um... Whaaa....?

Va. Teen Faces Child Porn Charges For Tweeting Nude ‘Selfie’
There's something self-referencing and internally non-coherent about this. Is she her own victim? Or is she being double victimized by the charges from the state? Or both?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Quote of the Day

"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States of America."

— Senator Barack Obama, March 31, 2008
Obama immediately flipped on many things just as soon as he began to "rule", as he put it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Obama's Auto Company and Women's Pay Deficit

Equal Pay? Not by half.

"The White House said in a statement that State of the Union guests like Barra who "have been invited to sit with the First Lady represent the stories of millions of Americans across the country, who are working hard to better their communities, improve their own economic outcomes and help restore opportunity for all."

Trouble is, Barra is not even getting 77%, but less than half, 48%, of the pay of GM's outgoing male CEO who had no prior experience running a car company. Barra replaced former Carlyle Group executive Dan Akerson, who ran the automaker after it got a massive $49.5 billion taxpayer bailout. The U.S. Treasury finally sold its remaining stake in GM last December, but at a $10.5 billion loss for U.S. taxpayers. At that time, Akerson said GM should not repay taxpayers the $10.5 billion because "the die was cast" when the Treasury Department opted to take shares in GM instead of giving it more loans.

As it stands now, Barra will get $4.4 million in total compensation, including a base salary of $1.6 million, in 2014, according to GM's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Her pay currently trails outgoing CEO Akerson’s higher 2013 compensation by 52%. He got an estimated $9 million, with a larger $1.7 million base salary and $7.3 million in stock awards.

Even in his current role as an outside senior adviser to GM, Akerson's new $4.68 million compensation would still outstrip Barra's pay package."
It's as if The Left lives on a different planet.

Dice: At it Again

Interestingly, another clipboard-wielding environmentalist won't sign up. Good for him.

Remember When...

Hillary got fired for being a liar and unethical? Well, it happened. But, "what difference does THAT make now?"

Quote of the Day: Thomas Sowell

Sowell on RINOs:
"When it comes to national elections, just what principles do the Republicans stand for? It is hard to think of any, other than their hoping to win elections by converting themselves into Democrats lite. But voters who want what the Democrats offer can vote for the real thing, rather than Johnny-come-lately imitations.

Listening to discussions of immigration laws and proposals to reform them is like listening to something out of “Alice in Wonderland.”

Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. One of the big problems that those who are pushing “comprehensive immigration reform” want solved is how to help people who came here illegally and are now “living in the shadows” as a result.

What about embezzlers or burglars who are “living in the shadows” in fear that someone will discover their crimes? Why not “reform” the laws against embezzlement or burglary, so that such people can also come out of the shadows?"
Well, lawbreakers are in charge of the nation; so why not just make a National Lawbreakers Political Party? Oh yeah, there already is one.

Feminism and the De Facto Rape of College Men

Helen Smith has written a book regarding the feminist attack on college men, and the progressive turn which is taking colleges into the realm of males-as-rapists. American males are increasingly shunning college for that and other reasons, including the fact that college degrees are increasingly worthless because they don't actually represent having obtained a valid education, and degreed job candidates are everywhere.

Accusations of rape in the college atmosphere are now considered to be fact, as this previously feminist lawyer discovered when her son was accused of rape long after the couple broke up. Read the whole thing, but the take away is that the tribunals are anti-democratic, anti-male, and completely prejudicial in their proceedings. The female accusations are presumed true, and the male must prove his innocence; his accuser and her witnesses cannot be faced or interrogated; his own defensive material such as email evidence is dismissed without examination. These proceedings are Potemkin trials, with the outcome known in advance.

The idea that feminism is about equality for women is a failed concept. If feminists, like the president and the Leftist congress critters, were pursuing equality they would pay their women staffers the same as the men staffers; but they do not. As with all things Leftist, they are not about that which they say they are about.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dylan Farrow Takes On Woody Allen

I have not watched a Woody Allen flick since his Soon Yi perversion surfaced. I am not surprised by this new letter from Dylan Farrow. Allen is IN and will never be "intolerated" by the Leftist Hollywood groin worshippers. I'm betting that Dylan will pay for this letter, somehow, especially for its timing just before the Oscars. To demonstrate the inherent lack of morals in Hollywood is an unforgivable sin.

It's only evil if it's done by an outsider. Whoopi Goldberg's support for Roman Polanski proved that.

Another School is Bullied Successfully By The Atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation

The FFRF continues its cynical, cowardly attack on small entities, this time a school system regarding a single coach.
Mooresville, N.C. (CBS CHARLOTTE) – Head football coach of Mooresville High School, Hal Capps, has been ordered to stop baptizing players and leading them in prayer following criticism from a national organization promoting constitutional separation of church and state.
The Wisconsin-based nonprofit Freedom from Religion Foundation wrote a request last fall that coach Capps cease leading prayers and joining baptisms for his players as a base rule of separating public school activities and religious ceremonies. School Superintendent Mark Edwards met with Capps, who said, “he understood” the violation and would no longer participate in such religious observances, the Charlotte Observer reports.
“It is a violation of the Constitution for the Mooresville High School football coach to organize, lead, or participate in prayers or other religious proselytizing before, during, or after games and practices,” Patrick Elliott, attorney for Freedom from Religion Foundation, wrote to the school’s district attorney last fall.
It is not against any part of the US Constitution, which enjoins only Congress from making laws regarding a national religion. The FFRF is a bullying organization who threatens small organizations with expensive lawsuits if the Atheist, secularist, anti-tolerant, anti-religion is not the established worldview in use.

This is the reason that I support Jay Sekulow and the ACLJ, which successfully counters this type of bullying every day with its banks of constitutional lawyers.

US Government, Weaponized By The Left

From AmericanThinker:
"On Wednesday, Mitch McConnell told Fox News' Megyn Kelly that the Obama administration is "initiating a new rule through the Treasury Department in the IRS to quiet the voices of outside groups." According to McConnell, the new rule would redefine what groups like the Tea Party could advocate, during a political campaign "to silence the voices of their critics going into this important fall election by using the Treasury Department regulations."

All one has to know is that you are an "outside group".

More Adult Stem Cell Progess

There is now such a thing as a "skin gun", which sprays stem cells onto burn areas, much like spray painting your walls. Also there is a "skin printer" in development which will print stem cells, possibly with more precision one would think than the spray gun.

And there is now a bone repair technique using skin cells from abdominal fat which is promising.

Adult stem cells, all of them. I still hold a special disgust for the hysterical promoters of embryonic stem cells. But there seems to be a chilly silence from them now.

Another Drought For Jerry Brown

California and the western states are droughty again. The solution is obvious: raise taxes on the rich (everyone with a job who is not a designated protected species), and blow up some more dams to save the snail darter.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

All Hail the Narcissist-In-Chief!

"Some are joking — some joke! — that he appears to think of himself as a sort of secular Trinity, embodying in his own person the three branches of government."
Roger Kimball

When the entire Leftist (Democrat) side applauded raucously as Obama declared his immunity to checks and balances, it became apparent that Messiahism truly reigns in DC. Messiahism is the immediate precursor to totalitarianism. The Left is truly dangerous.

Further thoughts on Obama and messiah complex: