Tuesday, May 13, 2008

PZ watch #1

PZ Myer over at his science blog sans science, is constantly alert to cultic and bizarre religious behavior which he immediately associates with all religion. If PZ were correct, he would truly fear for himself, which he clearly does not. But he constantly associates all behavior which he designates as "bad" by his particular atheist standard as religious fundamentalism / insanity. If you don't agree with PZ, you are insane, by his definition.

I can't imagine doing this very often, but for now I just can't resist it. PZ is spewing twisted hate again, and I'll just document it here:

"They were agin' it [forced innoculation of preadolescent girls for an STD]; it might give their womenfolk the idea that sex is not a punishment, and a few thousand dead girls is a small price to pay for sin."

If this is not the spreading of hate, then there is no such thing. Distortion of beliefs as a method of denigration and inflamation is common in the world of anti-Semitism, and in the Muslim world of anti-Christianity / anti-everything. PZ is no different from other hate mongers. His statements are (a) false; (b) inflammatory; (c) influential amongst those prone to his flavor of hate.

"Now the religious right is going to face a dilemma. Shall they encourage this vaccination to protect their precious boy-children, or will it be sufficient to scream against the sin of heterosexual oral sex from the pulpit? And can they even bear to talk about such 'bizarre' sexual practices in church?

More hate-spew.

" Oklahoma House Bill 2633.

A controversial provision in House Bill 2633 states that "students may express their beliefs about religion in homework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination based on the religious content of their submissions."

That is simply insane. It's a declaration that religion trumps everything, and gives students an escape hatch from learning..."

For PZ there is no freedom of religion, especially in government schools, which should be dominated by his belief system: Atheism. The bill does not say that religion supersedes science; it says that stating religious views cannot be discriminated against, a First Amendment guarantee, despite leftist redefinitions of it. PZ would not have it allowed for children in his government schools.

PZ either does not understand Christianity or he purposely defines it to his own liking - in the worst light he can produce by mucking through the garbage of religious backwaters. Then he twists it and associates the guilt to all Christians. Such a notorious fallacy would be called directly, if the matter were reversed, but in this case, it is designated as Truth according to PZ.

When it comes to hate, though, the source doesn't matter so much as the potential effect. While I don't know what the overall effect of PZ's virulent hatred will be, I can at least call it to the attention of those who abhor hate. And those who disdain the perversion of logic and rationality in the pursuit of such hate.

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