PZ plays coy, claiming that he will now, by popular demand, desecrate a Koran as well as the stolen Catholic Eucharist artifacts. But gosh he just doesn't have enough time right now. Will he or won't he? Won't he or will he? Ahhh the suspense!
Having now promised to desecrate Muslim holy items, PZ is trying to portray himself as equally appalled by all religions, even though he rarely mentions any others than Christianity. He even mentions Vox Day's criticism of PZ's cowaridice and hypocrisy. Now he appears intent on proving it not so...only later.
Methinks that PZ has boxed himself into a dangerous spot, one that he should have but didn't see in advance. He must now either lose face or poke the Muslim world in the eye. If I were him, I'd put it off for awhile too. After he does it, if he does it, his life will become very, very interesting.
Stan: I know you don't care much for Pharyngula and its happy band of religion-haters, but please consider the merits of this particular post purely on the basis of the science described:
PZ does a pretty good job of explaining some of the mechanisms and interactions that don't make the high school and introductory college texts, but which are probably rather important in terms of phenotypic plasticity and diversity of forms. You might find this enlightening.
Scott, thanks for the pointer. I admit to a personal prejudice of not wanting to read anything by a person for whom I have no respect whatsoever. I overcame that and read the article, it was interesting and I will investigate further.
The topic of gene switches, how they work and why, is very interesting.
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