Friday, August 1, 2008

Absurdities and the Cult of Death in So. Dakota

We live in an era where absurdity can and does parade as truth. During the past month, one absurdity has been successfully fought in South Dakota. But if you get your news only from the big media, you didn't hear about it. Here it is: The Eighth District Court revoked the injunction against requiring abortionists to provide "informed consent" information to its customers.

The South Dakota legislature enacted the law in 2005, a measure making abortionists incur the same responsibilities as hospitals and other medical doctors. Planned Parenthood declared that such a measure denied the "free speech" of abortionists who wish not to say such things.

Such things as the Legislature found necessary:
Section 1. The Legislature finds that all abortions, whether surgically or chemically induced, terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.

Section 2. The Legislature finds that there is an existing relationship between a pregnant woman and her unborn child during the entire period of gestation.

Section 3. The Legislature finds that procedures terminating the life of an unborn child impose risks to the life and health of the pregnant woman. The Legislature further finds that a woman seeking to terminate the life of her unborn child may be subject to pressures which can cause an emotional crisis, undue reliance on the advice of others, clouded judgment, and a willingness to violate conscience to avoid those pressures.

Judge Raymond W. Gruender wrote for the majority:
"The State's evidence suggests that the biological sense in which the embryo or fetus is whole, separate, unique and living should be clear in context to a physician,"

According to reports from around the state, Planned Parenthood has closed its doors, and is not operating in South Dakota, at least for the time being. Planned Parenthood is not able to admit that it is in the baby death business; that what it does is harmful to the woman; that it preys on ignorance and vulnerability for its own profit.

Engaging in absurdities, Planned Parenthood claims that these issues are ideological, not medical, and that it infringes the rights of the abortionists to be compelled to reveal this information to its customer/victims.

To argue that an unborn baby does NOT have the "life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being" is arguing an absurd position, physically, philosophically, and ethically. Ignoring the deleterious effect of abortion on aborted mothers is equally absurd. Denial of information to any patient is actually beyond absurd, it is unconscionable.

If this precedent stands, Planned Parenthood will be on the run in many venues when states move to ensure the enforcement of such legislation. Planned Parenthood cannot withstand the bright light of truth.

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