After a season of condemning the Bible and the Catholic Church for “hate” crimes, and releasing the “sex workers” from fear of any prosecution, San Francisco hosts a sex in the streets event for homosexuals, called “Up Your Alley”. This event was documented and brought to light by a group called Americans for Truth. Featured at the public event was not just full nudity, but full sexual activity including oral sex, anal sex, golden showers (men urinating on men), flogging, and slavery. Also featured was a booth for vaccinations for hepatitis, a disease amplified among homosexuals. Police gathered at the boundaries but did nothing to stop the open sexual activities. had this to say: "This only-in-San Francisco event had even the most decent people turning their heads away from the somewhat unsafe sex on every corner." Apparently "decent people" are those who approve of public homosexual displays.
What the event apparently did not feature was a celebration of homosexual monogamy and social responsibility.
As California goes, so goes the nation, Californians like to say. If so, this will be featured in your neighborhood before long.
Hi Stan,
Maybe my comment is a little bit off-topic (because I'm not going to refer to homosexuality here; my comment has to do with some "non-conventional" sexual practiques), but it's interesting to know that atheist philosopher Paul Kurtz, founder of the "skeptical" organisation CSICOP, is also the founder of Prometheus Books (the leading publisher house of skeptic and atheist books).
If you go to the website of Prometheus, you'll see that there's a section dealing with "human sexuality" topics.
Some of curious titles you can read there are:
-Porn 101
-A history of X (This first comprehensive and most in-depth history of cinematic pornography details sex in film from 100 years ago to today)
-Transvestites (Supposedly, that book "conclusively demonstrates that transvestism is a natural extension of the infinite variations of human personality")
-S&M (Studies in Dominance and Submission)
And other tiles like those.
In the section "Sexual autobiography", you can see titles like:
-Dirty Talk (A revealing look at phone sex by a "mistress of fantasy" responsible for a lot of heavy breathing)
-Half Straight (My Secret Bisexual Life)
-The Q Letters (True Stories of Sadomasochism)
At the section "Moral Issues", you'll read:
-Why I Am An Abortion Doctor
-A Private Matter (that argue for the movement for abort)
I don't know what the above has to do with atheism, secular humanism, materialism and the promotion of "reason" and "critical thinking". But it could suggest some type of "editorial line" in favor of a relativist and hedonist morality, a type of "anything goes" approach in moral questions by the editors of Prometheus.
Is it an indirect promotion of those practiques? Are they using the neutrality of "science" to morally endorse those conducts? Is ethically correct to publish books like those?
In any case, and recognizing that these are complex and very controvertial moral questions, I think the editorial line of Prometheus is very curious, specially if we take seriously its propagandistic slogan: "Lighting the Way to Reason Since 1969"
Z, very interesting. I maintain that the misuse of "reason" by these types is a flagrant violation of reason itself, if one assumes that reason is based on logic, intellectual discipline, and integrity rather than on hedonism. Hedonism rejects all of these things in pursuit of personal gratification and self-indulgence. I think there is such a thing as a hedonistic thought process also, which is based on self-indulgent rationalizing, not rationality.
Thanks for pointing out the connection...
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