Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And on your left, waaay over there.....

I have been repeating here that Atheism has no consistent ethic, having rejected absolutes as a source. But there is a definite trend that Atheists seem to follow, that of the political left. Not all Atheists, of course, because again, there is no consistent reasoning behind any personal ethic that applies to all Atheists.

But the overwhelming trend toward the political far left amongst Atheists, especially the activists, is readily apparent. The following comments from blogger Ace Of Spades seem apt at this point in our political and cultural history:

Ultimately the liberals' sin is their smugness. Not even so much because most people recoil from the assumption of superiority, both intellectual and moral, by those who have accomplished nothing exceptional in life except for reliably voting and "thinking" liberal, as if casting a vote the "correct" way slaps 30 points on to your IQs and counts for 100 hours of community service and child mentoring.

No, the main problem with that smugness, that belief that you're sooo very f****g clever, is that you're actually not particularly clever at all, and the great gap between your personal estimation of your intelligence and the actual real-world measure of it is wide enough to stumble into and take a painful fall. Perhaps if you weren't so very convinced of your own innate entitlement to rule, you'd spend less time seething at a public unwilling to concede that rule to you, and less time trying to trick the public into voting for you by concealing your true beliefs, and more time trying to figure out what the public actually wants in its government, and how to provide with them with that.

You know the big difference between conservatives and liberals in terms of political acumen? You guys never see this stuff coming, because you're so convinced of your innate right to control other people's lives. You convince [y]ourselves you're always the smartest guys in the room, and anyone who disagrees with you must either be so stupid or so luminescently evil they could never prevail in a campaign.

The Ronald Reagans and Sarah Palins surprise you, because you just can't even conceive of them. Your entire sense of self-worth depends on the proposition Liberal = Smart, Good, Conservatives = Stupid, Bad, so you can't imagine clever, good people opposing you.

You go into every election thinking the score is already 24-0 in your favor -- after all, you have nothing but vicious, racist, gay-bashing hobo-killing morons in your way. How can you, the Moral and Intellectual Elect of the Earth, possibly fail?
The political season has just turned.... funny.


Zetetic_chick said...

But there is a definite trend that Atheists seem to follow, that of the political left

A clear (but not well known) example and confirmation of that can be read here:

Stan said...

zetetic_chick, thanks very much for that link, I have added it to my links list. An excellent source for a number of topics.