Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama paradox for the day

Obama's pompous announcement that there would be no lobbyists allowed in his adminstration has been waived, just two days later. This "ethics" rule will not apply to William Lynn, Obama's choice for Deputy Secretary of Defense. According to the,
"Lynn was a registered lobbyist until early 2008 and his nomination raised some eyebrows even before the executive order on ethics that Obama issued Wednesday, because it contradicted the new president’s pledge not to let lobbyists in his administration."
For Obama and the Left it is not a contradiction to say one thing but then immediately do another. After all, both actions are necessary for different reasons, and being necessary, they are therefore ethical. For a complete understanding of Obama's rationale, read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", the textbook from which Obama taught classes in "community organizing", and which he used to gain the presidency. Ethics according to Alinsky go exactly how we observe them in Obama. Say whatever is necessary to say; but do whatever is necessary to do; if the objective is moral then the tactics cannot be immoral. So clothe it all in moral rhetoric.

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