Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Responsibility and the Democrats

The first paradox of the new administration in Washington D.C. is highly visible. When Obama called for "responsibility", followed by a promise of government solutions to all problems, apparently the crowd chose the latter over the former. Here is how the green Democrats left the

While I have no direct proof, I maintain that Obama was elected on a solely racial basis, with a great many voters entirely uninformed of his uber-socialist leanings. As some have said, he is the mainstream media's first president. Assuming that this is the case, it speaks against general democracy where the ACORNs and foreign magnates and manipulators are allowed to stir and purchase one-issue voters, who are kept ignorant by Left-only media. Did the weeping blacks really intend to elect a eugenist for black babies? Did they intend to codify the poverty of their single mothers, and the hooliganism of their youth? Do they really want to watch as Israel is negotiated away into a maelstrom? I doubt that any issue beyond the half-blackness of Obama even occurred to substantial portion of them.

How do we obtain a truly educated and knowledgable electorate? How do we avoid ballots created out of thin air? Why should any faith at all be placed in such a corrupt, mentally and ethically bankrupt system?

Cuba holds elections, too.

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