Monday, January 5, 2009

Rosanne and the Grand Mufti

Sometimes the Left can't hold back its ignorance and lets fly with complete inanities. Rosanne Barr, queen of filth stand-up comedy and dysfunctional family TV, has proclaimed that Israel is a Nazi state. This is so preposterous that most Leftists will probably buy it. The Left is anxious to dump on Israel despite the obvious news that the elected terrorist government of Palestine, Hamas, has attacked Israel first, and well, they are addicted to attacking Israel and just can't seem to stop.

In fact the Arab word, "hudna", is said to have two meanings. First it means cease-fire when used in communicating with the enemy; second, for internal use it means regroup, rearm, restock, and prepare for more attacks, to be mounted at leisure.

Here's some history to consider. There is a direct connection between Hamas and Adolf Hitler through the Grand Mufti of Jeruselem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini (1895-1974). Al-Husseini used suicide bombers against moderate Muslims to gain power in the 1930's and wound up in Hitler's confidence, being made in charge of Bosnian Muslim Nazi troop training and much more. There are many photos of him reviewing "his" Nazi Muslim Troops.

After the war the British made him Grand Mufti of Jeruselem against the protests of both Jews and moderate Muslims.

The Grand Mufti perpetuated the Nazi doctrines and methodology after the war. He ruthlessly purged dissenters and influenced the overthrow of moderate Muslim governments. He brought Nazism to Egypt, and moved on to other nations including Iraq, where he influenced the uncle of Saddam Hussein. The Grand Mufti is widely rumored to be the uncle of Yasser Arafat, and is shown in photos together with him.

The fascist methodology and the hatred of Jews with the intent to purge then from the earth is a continuation of Nazi policy, via the Grand Mufti. It's justification as a moral tenet of the Qur'an is a cover for the Nazi worldview.

For a detailed view of this, the book by C. Morse, "The Nazi Connection To Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini" is an invaluable resource, with documentation from many sources including the Nuremburg Trials, the Eichmann Trial, etc. There is also considerable information available on the web, of course. The Leftist bent to fascism is outlined in a book by Jonah Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism".

If you see Rosanne, ask her for the sources of her information. Or better still, just walk away.

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