Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More People Died at Chappaquiddick than Waterboarding: 25 Issues You Won’t Hear From the Leftist Ridicule Artists.

[Note: The title is a deliberate Tu Quoque fallacy, to demonstrate the feebleness of fallacious argument even though it is eye catching and derisive. Ed.]

The real intent of this post is to list the actual issues that are ignored in the counter-attacks by the school yard ridiculers of the dogmatic Left.

Social Aberrations
1. Persecution of Christians by homosexuals (ala Perez Hilton, attacks on voters, Mormons, etc.) will increase.

2. Socialism and totally liberated sexuality will be taught as normal in grade schools. Underway.

3. Homeschooling will be demonized. Underway.

4. Parental Rights will be attacked (ala U.N. Rights of the Child). Underway.

5. Sex, drugs and murder will be a constant presence on TV. Done.

Political Aberrations
1.The Supreme Court and Federal Court System feels unconstrained by the Constitution, allowing the regal judges-for-life to decree their personal morality as law. European and Third world law will be given a voice in U.S. law decisions. Done and ongoing.

2.The medical industry will not be allowed to certify hospitals if there are conscientious objectors on their medical staff. Conscientious objector physicians will be decertified and not allowed to practice medicine. Physicians will leave the field of medice. Underway.

3.The Plan B post-coital abortion drug will be given to 17 year-olds; long range plan is to allow all ages access to Plan B as well as to abortion. Underway.

4.Funding for abstinence education will be phased out; funding for prophylactics and birth control will increase; funding directly to abortion providers will increase. Done.

5. Bailouts will reward persistently bad behavior, indefinitely; Corruption with the unaccountable billions will mushroom; future generations will pay dearly. Government will start to own corporations. Unions will remain unscathed. Politicians will profit greatly with stimulus backwash. Done and ongoing.

6. The very real threat of a magnetic field (of the earth) collapse and reversal will be ignored in favor of AGW. AGW has political legs for the Left; the magnetic field collapse doesn’t. Done.

7. Borders will be ignored as masses of ILLEGAL intruders collect in the millions; the census will ignore citizenship and districts will be gerrymandered to the benefit of the Left. Underway.

8. Hate (thought) crime laws will protect the Left from “defamation” incurred by opposing opinions; enables political persecution. Useful with DHS political profiling. Underway.

9. U.S. already is obligated to the G20, which can and will regulate American industry and therefore control American economy. Done.

10.The U.S. military supremacy will be sacrificed. Budget cuts and program cuts are underway.

11. Women’s rights have already been sacrificed in Afghanistan. Done.

12. Israel will be abandoned, a long-time Leftist objective. Underway.

13. Radio will be effectively silenced; the internet will be regulated and controlled for content and slant. Underway.

14. U.S. corporations will follow a global objective packet under the G20, or their management will be replaced. Underway.

15. Previous administrations will be prosecuted. Underway.

16. Non-statists will be declared potential enemies of the state by the DHS. Done.

17. Money to education will increase; quality will continue to decrease. Done.

18. Integrity will be downgraded, as tax evaders and corruption blossom in high paying government positions. Done.

19. Scientism will triumph over “ideology” (as it did with National Socialism). Done.

20. Value of human life will be degraded even more, via embryonic killing for stem cells and prenatal babies killed for convenience.

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