A blog commenter asks, Why is the Left still angry, given that it has total control of the government and the mainstream media? The question belies a misunderstanding of what a Leftist really is. The Left is not so much a political position as it is a mental condition.
Anger is what defines the Left: the Left IS anger. The anger of the unions; the anger of the wymyn; the anger of the homosexual; the anger of the society of perpetual self-annointed victims. It includes the anger of the male raised by females. It includes the anger of the characterless, demanding to be identified as elite. It includes the anger of minorities, wronged generations ago, incensed today. It is the anger of the Atheist, abhorring all absolutes. In short, it is the self-righteous anger of those who self-identify as Victims. And it is accompanied by those who leverage this anger.
The anger cannot be released, because it defines the individual Leftist. Even in the presence of government domination of the Leftist’s chosen enemies, the anger cannot be released. There is no other defining feature to the Leftist; without self-righteous anger, he disappears. Self-righteous anger is who he is.
Even though the Left is now clamping down on its enemies, that is not enough to mollify the anger of the Left. Even if all religions and conservatives were to disappear, that would not mollify the Left. The Left needs its self-righteous anger. It nourishes that anger and cultivates it. Self-righteous anger is the soul of the Left.
Self-righteousness is possibly the ultimate fulfillment of angry, self-annointed victimhood. It produces an intoxication of superiority in all things: intellectual, moral, social. Self-righteousness is the easiest persona to develop, and one of the most dangerous. In the presence of relativist, variable ethics, self-righteousness almost certainly develops into crusades and social-political adventures without conscience.
Or at least without traditional conscience. The conscience of the self-righteous is a perverted sense of self-justice, self-authorized, and self-applied. In other words, it is retribution, unrestrained. If self-righteousness is the motivator, then retribution is the action and salvation is the justification.
Perhaps the Leftist will claim to love mankind. Why then, we ask, does he wish to reduce all men to the lowest common denominator, totally controlled by the elites (himself)?
Perhaps the Leftist will claim omnibenevolence. Why then, we ask, does he wish to punish the productive, and support the non-productive? Why is that punishment considered benevolent?
Perhaps the Leftist will claim a superior morality. Why then, we ask, does Leftist domination always result in mass death? Why are birds’ eggs more important than dying children in third world countries? Why don’t influential Leftists pay their taxes? Why do they steal money from the masses to pump into their pet projects? Why do they support the obvious racism of abortion? Why do they support the obvious termination of a human being in order to take its stem cells? What exactly IS this morality that is so superior?
Perhaps the Leftist will claim Rationality. Why then, we ask, are Leftist attacks almost always either angry moral statements or ridicule? Why are the few non-emotional attacks invariably based on rational fallacy?
The Leftist does not love mankind, much less individual men. The Leftist does not believe in benevolence, much less omnibenevolence. The Leftist does not support any single, absolute morality that doesn’t help rationalize his current crusade. And the Leftist is in no way a rational creature, unless the French Revolution type of Enlightenment is the definition of “rational”.
The Leftist is just this: a bag of self-righteous anger; a perpetual victim.
this Left guy sounds pretty nasty. Hope I never have to meet him. ;)
While I think Bill Maher is a bit nutty in some things (yet also a level-headed libertarian in other ways), I can't say I completely disagree with his current column about the Right's anger
Thanks for the link. Good to see that you're still around...
I think I'll post an analysis of silly Bill's analysis.
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