In an article for, Obama is compared to Jimmy Carter who lost Iran to radicals, and disemboweled the CIA as his resume shows. According to the article,
"A series of actions taken by the Obama administration have created an impression in Iran, the "Af-Pak" region, China and North Korea that Obama does not have the political will to retaliate decisively to acts that are detrimental to U.S. interests, and to international peace and security.As others have pointed out, Obama and Carter are cut from the same ideological cloth, where the entire world is just waiting to get along nicely if only a dynamic leader would come along and make it so. Both Carter and Obama favor Muslim terrorists over Israelis; they have no compunction about siding with aggressors over their victims. In their world, white euro-males are the bad guys; everyone else is an innocent victim, and bestowed with the moral force of that victimhood.
"Among such actions, one could cite: the soft policy toward Iran: the reluctance to articulate strongly U.S. determination to support the security interests of Israel; the ambivalent attitude toward Pakistan despite its continued support to anti-India terrorist groups and its ineffective action against the sanctuaries of Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistani territory; its silence on the question of the violation of the human rights of the Burmese people and the continued illegal detention of Aung San Suu Kyi by the military regime in Myanmar; and its silence on the Tibetan issue.
"Its over-keenness to court Beijing's support in dealing with the economic crisis, and its anxiety to ensure the continued flow of Chinese money into U.S. Treasury bonds, have also added to the soft image of the U.S."
When states go rogue to combat the terrorists and terrorist states, there is no doubt in my mind that Obama will denounce that with much more force than he has applied to the terrorists themselves. We shall watch and see.
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