Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hate Crimes Legislation and Pedophilia Protection

According to columnist Janet Porter, the Hate Crimes Bill (H.R. 1913) is now in the U.S.Senate, and has opened it up to the protection of pedophilia by rejecting the following amendment proposed by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa:
The term sexual orientation as used in this act or any amendments to this act does not include pedophilia.
According to Porter, "But majority Democrats refused to accept it".

It should come as no surprise that a party that condones partial birth abortion would also condone pedophilia.

As Porter remarks, it would now be a hate crime to berate or slap a pedophile that attacks your child. Or even to make the pedophile emotionally uncomfortable. In fact, writing an article that is against pedophilia would also be a hate crime.

The Congressional statists are shameless and without redeeming qualities. Their New World, New Morality, Utopia is beyond disgusting.

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