Monday, May 18, 2009

It's Odd...

Obama urges fairmindedness on the abortion debate.

Here's the Lefts position as best that I can see: Before birth, the mother is the victim of the baby (Obama's position); after birth, the baby/infant/child is the victim of the parent(s) (U.N. position).

It is interesting and odd that the scissors-through-the-skull death of an unborn human does not create any "victimhood" in the ever victim-vigilant mores of the Left. Nor does the removal of parental rights at the whim of the state.

So what exactly does "fairminded" mean? Clearly it means: see it my way; I am the moral standard of fairness.
"The tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.
Saul D. Alinski; Rules for Radicals, 1971; pg 36. [emph added]

Addendum:I forgot to mention that contrary to Obama's call to reduce unwanted pregnancies, the Obama administration drastically cut funding for such education at the same time it drastically increased funding for unlimited, unmonitored abortions, including huge amounts of taxpayer cash to Planned Parenthood. The funding for anti-pregnancy education is now negligible.

The name "Planned Parenthood" is a false name; Planned Parenthood (and the Left in general) have no problem with sexual adventurism. Their business model is based on a steady supply of pregnant young women and girls. What they do want is to make sexual adventurism unsullied by unborn humans causing the victimhood of the sexual adventurous. Abortion is and always has been the basic product of eugenics; Planned Parenthood is the major supplier of those eugenics.

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