Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Emergent Trend?

Obama has had no hesitation in rescinding his campaign promises. But surprisingly, some of his reversals have outraged the statist Left. Cases in point during the last short period of time are the nomination of a closet pro-lifer to the Supreme Court, and the appointment of an abortion “reductionist”, Alexia Kelly, to the faith-based Health and Human Services position.

With the release of the statement by Eric Holder at the DOJ declaring the intent to “Protect American Muslims” (almost a hate-crime-by-decree announcement) so ironically soon after the Muslim murder of a recruitment officer, and Obama’s pitch to the Muslim world at Cairo, all this leads me to wonder: Is Obama setting up a Muslim-centric culture?

When Obama reneged on his promises to homosexuals, it seemed at first to be merely an extension of the normal irrationality of his approach to Statism. Offending the wealthy homosexual community and its muscular arm, the ACLU, seemed to make no sense. But of course it does make sense if the real protected community under the Obama rule is the Muslim community, not the homosexuals or the pro-abortion lobby.

Who has more money, the domestic pro-abortionists and the homosexuals, or the world-wide Muslims?

Obama did support women’s rights in his speech, not in moral tones this time but in pragmatic tones. This is risky but not as risky as offending Muslims with support for homosexuals and abortion.

Obama shares other values with Muslims, such as one-world government and one totalitarian ruling party.

It will be interesting to watch how this plays out.


Martin said...

Stan, I can't post on your "Challenge" thread. Something is wrong with your Blogger setup. When I click "Submit" or "Preview" it just returns me to the comment form; nothing happens.

Stan said...

Sometimes this is due to unclosed tags, or due to an oversize file. There would be an error listed (in small print, unfortunately) underneath the comment window.

I'll try a test comment to see if it is locked for some other reason.

Stan said...

It still works from this end. Check for errors of HTML and length, 4096 chars, max.