I have been unable to force myself to write about the doings of the Leftist governing powers in the USA of late. All the doings are now perfectly expected and predictable, and there is nothing novel in any of the antics. For example, when Obama fired the Inspector General who was investigating one of Obama’s big donor buddies, it was perfectly predictable. Such behavior is now so commonplace that it seems trivial to even mention it.
So I thought that I might look for evidence of a substantial groundswell that might dethrone some of the statists in Congress and subsequently lead to a dethroning of The One. But there is nothing of substance to report that I know of. The old Republican statists – Newt Gingrich and such – are of no use for an overthrow of Statism.
So I have written nothing for the past week.
Now I think that it is important to focus on the intellectual underpinnings of the Obama – Left, and where that is likely to drag this nation and the world.
Everyone operates on the basis of certainties that are presumed to exist. Some certainties are: gravity; the daily turn of the earth; hot things can burn you; sufficient money => power; and the powerful rule. These things are almost as certain as death and taxes. But they are not truly first principles.
One of my favorite words is “incorrigible”. This word refers to total and complete independence of any outside influence. Sometimes used in the negative, as “incorrigible drunkard” or “incorrigible child”, it is also used in philosophy and logic to describe perfectly independent truth. An incorrigible truth is one that is totally independent of whatever anyone thinks or says about it; it remains true despite all counter assaults or without anyone thinking about it all.
The First Principles of Logic and Rational Thought are incorrigible truths. Being truths and not facts in the material, empirical sense, they are inherently timeless, massless, spatially null, and without endemic energy; thus they are also without entropy, and are not measurable empirically. They are, in fact, non-material, and metaphysical. They are incorrigible.
It is unchanging, incorrigible truths that provide the bedrock for valid thought. And procedures for architecting and testing such valid thought are based on these principles. But not all thought is done this way. In fact most thought is not. Most thought is either functional, daily activity thinking or it is agenda based, where excuses and rationales are stacked up to support a predetermined conclusion.
The First Principles provide a method for determining the coherence of a proposition and the validity of evidence used to support a conclusion. They discriminate against fallacy and rationalization, and produce coherent, valid thinking.
Unfortunately in today’s scientism and New Morality the use of First Principles has shifted. In order to support Relativism and anti-absolutism, our culture needs new principles. These principles are readily discerned by observing the actions of those who possess them.
Relativism requires a negation of all the old, hated absolute principles of Logic and Rational Thought, and result in the installation of a new First Principle: Tolerance. Above all else. Absolutely.
As Nietzsche showed in “Beyond Good and Evil”, when the First Principles are negated, only one remaining valid entity can be described: power. Power cannot be denied to exist, and in fact it is easily defined as good: would I rather you have the most power, or that I have the most power? And how this power is achieved or deployed is of no moral consequence, there being no truth or fallacy, no right or wrong, no good or evil: Absolutely none. But absolute power is obviously the best, on a scale of zero to absolute. Absolutely the best.
There are no other First Principles in the world of Relativism. There are strategies and tactics, which include pretending to care about the old First Principles, pretending to subscribe to Good over Evil, pretending to care about the welfare of others. But these are all relative to the situation, and oh, yes, I fooled you with the first one, Tolerance. Tolerance is also relative: you must tolerate, I will discriminate. Tolerance is a focused, directed, faux first principle, not incorrigible.
This leaves power as the only First Principle of the Relativist. Here is an example: A neighbor of ours, the relativist of the ‘hood, makes the following assertion: At some point the population of the world will increase to the point of unsustainability. At that point some world leader will have to decide who to feed and who to starve, or who to kill off and who to save; that leader will have to assume the power of a God. So leaders have that right, that obligation, by extrapolation. It is an absolute tenet, this absolute power. And there is no irony or self-refutation, because there are no longer any other first principles that call for such things.
This explains the statist’s right to kill unborns, defectives, old people, and probably those with the wrong DNA heritage. And it is an ABSOLUTE right. Attempting to breech that right is a Hate Crime.
Obama has transcended the position of president of the USA in his decimation of the industries which he has flooded with unearned money, and giving huge corporations to the unions that fattened the workers to the point of fatal parasitism on those companies. Obama does not limit himself to being a statist. He is a relativist in the quest of the most power.
How does spending a nation’s way out of debt lead to more power? We will watch for more entangling alliances, those with possible subjugation of the individual member nations under a governing board of international metastatists. Global warming, international monetary and financial treaties, Convention of the Child and the like are such alliances already in motion. Collapsing the economy under raging inflation, with its extended impact to debt holders such as China is almost inevitable, unless US debts are forfeited under national bankruptcy; California is a test case already in process. International law superceding the American Constitution, already in motion in the judiciary, is now in place in the executive branch as well.
Power is not always achieved in a direct and visible manner. Frequently there are behind-the-scenes grabs that cannot even be imagined much less predicted by those of us outside the sphere of power. They can be predicted in principle, if not specifically.
But we can understand that power, the most power, is the one and only First Principle that is accepted and implemented by the relativist statist and metastatist Left that is now in charge. Believe only what you see, and only half of that and maybe half of that; then test it against the old First Principles for coherence. That is the only actual path to truth in this universe.
Finally, there is one coincidence that pops up constantly, and that is the conjunction of the apparent goals of Barack Hussein Obama and the global jihad for the global caliphate of Islam. It is, for the time being, an interesting coincidental conjunction only, but one worth paying attention to.
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