Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obama as Viewed By Voters....

I suspect that the more he shows his duplicity, the lower his ratings will fall.

He is now attacking insurance companies for fighting his socialism; these would be the same ones that have pledged to make and air commercials FOR ObamaCare this Fall, the same ones that pledged $80 billion to the cause, for indeterminate returns to the industry.

"Demonize the enemy"... Saul Alinsky.

Update, 8-17-09
Obama's rating dropped to 47% as of last Thursday according to Rasmussen's report:
The second week of August turned into one of the toughest yet for the still new Obama Administration. On Thursday, the President's Job Approval ratings fell to a new low at 47% and support for the President's health care reform also fell to its lowest level yet. Just 42% now support the plan working its way through Congress.

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