Tuesday, September 22, 2009

PostRadical America

There are many speculations as to what it was that got the most radical Leftist candidate elected to the presidency in ’08. I personally think that two demographics did the job: blacks and independents. Independents are jumping ship on Obama. Blacks are still in lockstep.

Obama has not taken any pains to coddle his constituents, except for those who are devoted Leftists, such as the unions. Independents, having finally found the real Obama to be as onerous as conservatives had claimed, will not likely support more Leftist antics in ’10. Especially since they have been labeled racists along with everyone else not in agreement with the Left’s gargantuan spending, massive governmentism, persistent rewarding of graft and incompetence while demonizing all dissent and dissenters.

Independents are that naïve group that persistently thinks that they can determine the best candidate by judging his performance in a debate. They do no research on the candidate’s background, and they probably do not use the internet for much more than email to friends and facebook. They are a large enough group that they must be courted as a swing group. But they are easily manipulated, and convinced by meaningless phrases such as “hope and change”; they do not ask about the details or the historical context. They are the target auience for the ridiculous sound-bite political ads on TV prior to elections.

But now the independents have seen first hand what “under the bus” means in political parlance. The beautiful centrist Obama has openly betrayed them. And the support they gave his election has pretty much evaporated today.

So when the Leftward march toward government-control-of-everything is halted in ’10, how long will a post-radical America last?

Just a couple of small observations. Conservatives have learned the Alinsky lesson, and they will apply it within conscionable bounds against the morality-free Left. All it takes is outing the truth into the daylight. Activism is no longer the sole property of the political Left, it is now in the hands of the people. And information is still freely available on the internet, for the time-being at least.

And how long will it be before another black, smooth talking, promiser of bubbles of frothy joy will be elected? Have all future black candidates been damaged by the radical, racist, eugenic, half-black now in charge? Will the public trust another false centrist after being duped by this one? Just how Leftist are blacks [1], anyway? Why do they, along with a high percentage of Jews, consistently vote against their own best interests?

One thing that has surfaced most visibly under the Obama brand of “change” is the disconnection of “integrity” with “Leftist”. The frequency of lies, distortions, threats and charges of racism and fascism designed to stop dissent in its tracks must certainly be apparent to even the most starry-eyed of the Obamistas. And surely the rest of the country, hoping for integrity in the most powerful leader in the world, cannot much longer abide the disdain for integrity shown by Obama and his crew.

It is entirely possible that the backlash in ’10 will swamp out the Left for a significant post-radical period. And possibly the chances of another black, no matter how qualified and honest, might have been stricken by the performance of the first black president of the USA. My vote is for Walter E. Williams.

[1] The Left has totally ignored the blacks on the conservative side of the spectrum, as if they don’t exist; to the Left, all blacks are Leftist, and the voting demographics prove it, as do the polls. To the Left, blacks are a class, and racism is the slogan of class warfare.

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