Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prejudging Prejudice

With the race card now the only card in the Left’s deck, a little pushback is starting to appear. Jackie Gingrich Cushman writes in Prejudging Prejudice that,
“There is a difference between coincidence, when A and B occur together but one does not cause the other, and cause and effect, when A causes B. To the casual observer, coincidence is often mistaken for cause and effect.”
While this is true, it misses the point. The point is that when the Left incurs B, they completely imagine and fabricate A where there is no A. Then they attempt to use the imaginary, fabricated A to keelhaul those who support B.

This fabrication is expected, not an aberration. Here are the words of Saul D. Alinsky:
“An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma. To begin with, he does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing;[1] everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.”
The Left has not mistaken coincidence for cause and effect. The truth of the matter is of no consequence whatsoever to the Left. The only relevant issue is “what works”. Right now the Left thinks that charges of racism lodged against all dissent just might work. It seems to be the only card they have to play, with all their other arguments demonstrably false.

But the obvious falseness of that position and the ease with which it is flung at dissenters will grate against the common sense of a great majority of still-sane Americans. This type of hate-filled tactic will get traction only with other Leftists, and will alienate those Americans who feel they have a right to principled dissent without being tarred as haters. An entire demographic majority is being alienated.

The longer the Left feels threatened by dissent, the less rational their behavior.

If that’s possible.

[1] Without truth as an absolute, rational thought fails; without rational thought, irrationality becomes the norm. Moreover, without truth, honesty and other traditionally valued character traits are meaningless. Without truth or honesty, we have the Left.

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