Sunday, June 20, 2010

What’s in it for the Omnis?

There are a few – only a few, it seems – voices wondering why the Gaza Palestinians are not held responsible for anything they do, by the screaming critics of Israel. Here is where the philosophy of omnibenevolence really comes to life.

Omnibenevolence is the cry that we, meaning the western world, must give the Palestinians everything they demand. This is because they are, after all, victims. Their victimhood status is now an axiom, a first principle that is beyond denial in the worldview of the Omnis. And victims must be expected to be activists and behave badly. Their status as victims excuses any and everything they do. The Omnis support this fully, and with boatloads, literally, of omnibenevolence. But the omnis also launched into full bore condemnations of Israel. Omnibenevolence is not a two-way street. The saviors must also have oppressors to hate as much or more than the victims they love. After all, there would be no victims without correlate oppressors. If the omnis need victims, then they also need oppressors too.

What exactly do the Omnis get out of this thespian melodrama they create? At first it seems that the self-righteous breast-beating over the “plight” of the Palestinians was merely a standard act of self-ego-boost and arrogant moral preening for the chosen victims and their saviors. Victimhood and the co-dependent feedback relationship certainly is at play, but the volume and vitriol suggests that there is more to it.

I think that the usual victimhood issues are bolstered by a barely suppressed anti-Semitism, as can be seen by Leftist blogs who are in sympathy with Helen Thomas’ comment: get rid of the Jews – send them back where the came from. Never mind that most of Israel’s Jews now are natives of Israel, having been born in the UN sanctioned nation of Israel.

It becomes apparent when considering that the Israeli incursions into Gaza and the accompanying toll pale beside the toll taken on Muslims by Muslims, and Christians by Muslims, and Hindus by Muslims. Muslim violence around the world is epidemic, yet there is no condemnation forthcoming from the Left regarding that. Those victims do not have value for the Left. This was apparent on 9/11: Leftists announced that America deserved it. The actual victims had no value to them, whatsoever. They were not the right victims to satisfy the needs of the Left.

The Left is barely able to control its hatred of Jews long enough to deny it. As more Anti-Semite “Aid” ships challenge Israel’s defenses, it should also be noted that the Gazans are rejecting the aid, and that American journalists are reporting that Gaza store shelves are already full and flowing with goods. These ships are challenging Israeli defenses with war provocations.

One commentator suggests that the attacks on Israel are a sort of psychological compensation for the Holocaust guilt that oppresses the western Left. If they could only get Israel out of the picture, they could have a happier life not remembering the gas chambers every time they see Israel or a Jew. A second elimination would make their Leftist lives better. If we can’t eliminate them with a permanent solution, we should at least scatter them. Another Diaspora; let their new overlords deal with them as they will. At least then they won’t have an entire country to bother us with. Holocaust guilt removed.

I personally think that there is also another dynamic at play here. Omnibenevolence is a characteristic that Atheists like to impose on a deity. If the deity doesn’t have omnibenevolence, then the deity is defective and cannot exist, the argument goes. Now, the Atheist Left has attached omnibenevolence to itself. There seems little reason not to think that they are elevating themselves to the moral status of omnibenevolent deities. And complete with satanic evil enemies, to boot.

While I am not certain that this attitude is completely the case for every Leftist, one thing is very certain: It is not about the Gazans; they are convenient and useful, but meaningless in the overall picture. It is racial hatred, pure and simple. It is a shared value of the Left and the Muslim. Racism made “moral” by its attachment to selective omnibenevolence. Anti-Semitism is now openly part and parcel of the venom spewed by the western, Leftist, omnibenevolent, Atheist, intellectual, self-anointed, saviors of the victims they perpetuate for their own glory.


Mark K. Sprengel said...

"Holocaust guilt removed."

It wouldn't surprise me if that were a major motivation. Not that many people are self-reflective enough these days to question their own motives honestly.

Stan said...

Yes, in fact introspection is denied as a valid source of knowledge....