Monday, December 27, 2010

A Challenge to Me

A new visitor has given me an interesting challenge. Here is the full message:

"pacho said...
Stan, upon examining atheism you have come to the realization that you are not an atheist or you cannot continue claiming to be an atheist.

I notice that you examine atheism to come to that realization which is more correctly a self-knowledge, that you are not an atheist or you cannot continue with the heart and mind of an atheist, according to the loud proclamations of vocal atheists on what atheism is all about.

Okay, let me tell you what I think of your investigation, and you tell me if I don't get it correctly, and I have some recommendations for you.

You are working on concepts and words and coming to conclusions, suppose you work on a very careful examination of your heart and mind, on what you are feeling, doing, talking about, in your shall we call it self-role on being and living as an atheist, to see whether in all honesty are you or had you been fulfilled as a human person?

In other words, don't examine by investigating concepts and words, atheism.

Examine yourself very honestly and very intimately, your whole person, to determine what you have been enjoying or missing to enjoy all these 40 years of existing, living, and operating as an atheist.

And tell us about it.

Perhaps you might come to the thought that it could be more satisfying to live with the idea that God the necessary being creator of everything with a beginning exists and is interested in us, and then you establish your own ways and means of relating to God according to your own best and honest intentions of relating to God as the necessary being creator of everything with a beginning.

I am so glad that I came upon your blog; I was looking for web writings on anthropologists studying no not atheism but atheists, that's how I landed on your blog.

A very good landing, and I hope you will really do the self-examination of yourself, instead of manipulating concepts and words totally divorced from the most inner heart and mind of yourself as a human being.

Pachomius "

Pachomius, thank you for your viewpoint and challenge, and welcome to this blog. I accept the challenge, and I will present my reaction here[*]. If there are additional reactions after I have further ruminated on this issue, I will post them later.

[*] My first reactions were not acceptable in terms of "being and living" as stated in the challenge, so I will have to think more about differences that are not rational worldview related (if there are any) and more about changes in my way of life.

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