Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapturous Atheists

Atheists always head for the low hanging fruit, and most of of them pull back at things of substance. The hooiee about the scheduled Rapture is an example, with Atheists preparing their jokes and even billboards for the purpose of ridicule.

But there is just one person behind all the noise, a person who has made false predictions of the Rapture in 1979 and in 1992 (I think those were the dates). Yet this prediction has spread with no attempt to check the source. As is common with Atheists, they will attempt to associate all Christians with this one person's idiocy.

The perpetrator of this foolishness is one Harold Camping, a counterfeit Christian who has built a $100 Million empire by making false prophesies, and depending on the adage that "there's a fool born every minute". Unfortunately there are those who take things that Cammping says seriously, thus Camping's empire and fortune. But Camping's prophesies have a 100% rate of failure.

Nonetheless, Atheists are having a heyday with this, as if it represented something actually Theological failing for all Christians. It is actually anti-biblical in its assertions, while biblical in its false prophesies, as well as stupidly calculated from mumerology which has meaning only to Camping. So Atheists who are gleeful about this particular fail are celebrating nothing at all, at least nothing of substance to Theology.


Martin said...

I've compared this to playing chess with mentally retarded people. Boy, those atheists sure are good at chess, eh?

Anonymous said...

As an atheist agnostic, I'm certainly not gleeful at any part of this affair.
There were several people who spent their lifesavings on this. People whose families were torn apart by this. People who quit jobs. Children whose parents lost everything.
I'm struggling to see an upside to any of this.

Ross said...

I have one thing to say to Harold Camping. Pull your head in.

Stan said...

It's a cruel fraud alright. But it is so specifically anti-biblical that one can only wonder about the common sense of anyone who would believe this, especially of a failed prophet with an actual public record of previous failures.

Could anyone who gave up their entire net worth to a proven fraud actually be trusted with money anyway?

Yes, I know that is blaming the victim, but in reality people have responsibility for their decisions.

I do wonder if Camping can't be hammered to refund due to his failure to perform... again.

KK Dowling said...

What's funny is you complain about atheists lumping all Christians together to include this Camping guy -- all the while lumping all atheists together as if they were some monolithic group.

Stan said...

KK Dowling,
You are right. Atheists come in a spectrum. It is difficult to separate out the less voluminous though, especially because both organized groups such as the Freedom From Religion and the disorganized groups such as the followers of Dawkins and Meyers tend to control the conversation.

If there are any Atheists who decry the actions of the loudmouth Atheists, they are transparent to me.

Perhaps you could guide me to a source for those other Atheists who disagree with those who dominate the conversation, Atheism-wise?

KK Dowling said...

This is a laughable attempt to make atheists the bad guys out of this rapture scam nonsense, while a religious con artist walks away from the damage.

Christians come in a spectrum. It is difficult to separate out the less voluminous though, especially because both organized groups such as the Camping's Family Radio and the disorganized groups such as the followers of the Fred Phelps tend to control the conversation.

If there are any Christians who decry the actions of the loudmouth Christians, they are transparent to me.

Stan said...

You did not answer the challenge put to you, so I presume that you can't provide pointers to Atheists who criticized other Atheists?

Your Tu Quoque Fallacy is not an appropriate answer to the question. The question is whether you can provide a list of Atheists who spoke out against the Guilt By Association Ad Hominems being made by other Atheists. Just being annoyed by an argument does not a rebuttal make.

There were plenty of Christians who spoke out against Camping and his nonsense, Christians from almost every denomination (I'm not sure about Catholics - they apparently don't believe in Rapture and don't look seriously at it.)

I doubt seriously that you want to enter into a comparison of Atheists who criticized the Ridiculers vs. Christians who criticized Camping. But if so, then provide a list, rather than a Tu Quoque Fallacy.

And because I am aware of many Christians who criticised Camping, I doubt seriously that you looked for them.